I told my mom!

edited April 2011 in Teen moms
I was so scared to tell my mom. I'm 19 and my fiance is turning 18 tomorrow. She wasn't very happy about finding out that we were getting married but she was so happy about the baby! I was so surprised! It could not have worked out better. My fiances mom is estatic too! The hard part will be telling his father. I'm pretty sure the rest of my family will be okay with it. No one else is finding out until May when I'm in my second trimester and I know everything is okay. Yay!


  • I'm happy for you!! Surprising how we stress over that, but then they show up support. You can def. Be of support with other teen moms afraid to tell thier rents. Good luck!!
  • Congrats things usually works out over time good luck hun
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