I had a C-sec with my daughter four years ago and I'm currently 7 weeks with this one. I had a C-sec with her because I wouldn't dialate past 6cm after 20 hrs in labor and her heartbeat kept dropping every time I had a contraction (they had broken my water about 12 hrs before that started, I was told it was because the fluid was low for so long).

Anyway, I am really contemplating doing VBAC this time around. Biggest reason is recovery time, my daughter has a different dad and being a single dad he can't take a lot of time off work to care for our daughter, and I know hubby will have his hands full caring for new baby and me. I had a horrible time recovering from my first C-sec, I was scared every day my guts were going to fall out lol. Couldn't sneeze, cough, poop without freaking out. I know it wouldn't be different this time. I feel like I barely saw my daughter for the first week from being so drugged up, and barely could hold her when I did. Kind of sad, even though I'm glad I had the C-sec because it saved her life =/

Has anyone done VBAC? Pros/Cons? Do you guys think it's as "low risk" as the websites I've been reading make it out to be?
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