ER last night

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
Went into er last night with contractions,, went from being closed to 1cm 50% effaced in 40 min and got sent home.. Still feeling like crap :( venting


  • How far along are you?
  • I know it sucks I'm just counting down till my little one gets here. Hope you feel better
  • 36 weeks.. How about you? And thank you!
  • I'm 35 week but so ready lol I've been finger tip and 70% effaced since last weeks and its killing me lol I just want to hold him. Are you having boy or girl?
  • thats how I feel :/ its a girl! I want her to b safe thats all no matter how long it takes but I feel so miserable I was extremly underweight bfore pregnancy and it feels as if she doesnt fit anymore.
  • is it ok for u guys to have ur baby at that stage of the pregnancy or r u suppose to go to 40 weeks? n @felicia89
  • 37 weeks is considered fullterm at 35-36 is still preterm so hospitals do not do much to help bring on labor, although baby has a high chance of survival
  • They'll still be considered preemie but I had my son at 35 weeks due to preterm labor and he was fine he stayed in the hospital 4 days more than I did just to make sure he was eating enough
  • aww good luck to u hun
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