In love with maryjane



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  • I smoke AND told my doc I stopped smoking and started vaperizing it so the doc said that I was in the right because the only harmful effect to the baby is the smoke no harm. A lot of women xhave been tested for drugs but one drug I've heard from a couple women who have kids they don't test for is maryjane. I quit everything for the first three months of my pregnancy and I was stressed and deppressed to the point of wanting to die. I started smoking again after a lot of research and im 100% better now
  • Alot of drs do drug test when you do the urine for them and they can tell whoever your insurance company is can drop you for doing that.
  • Just fyi my friends, I meet my doctor tomorrow for the first time and we will def be having this conversation. It is in mine and the babys best interest to be as informed as possible on subject matters.
  • Do whatever you wnt to do! You will feel shitty or baby will let you kno if the weed is hurting! I've smoked mj for 14 yrs now I'm 29 weeks n just cut down gradually cause my bro checks on me every now n then. But my dr knows it. He also knows I suffer from anxiety n insomnia. Its true tho in some states its the hospital that can test baby for drugs if low birth weight or any other complications cps gets involved but since your first pregnancy they will NOT take baby from you just watch you for some time. Everybody's body is diff. You baby wnt get schizophrenia or none of that all that comes alone for other reasons. There's a man who studied mj all his life he died just recent but he also did studies on prego woman n even on his preg wife during labor at home mj eased her pain n she delivered baby natural. Ill look it up n give you his name so u can watch the documentary.
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  • And I agree with @thirdtimesacharm u should ask your dr. my sister is also pregnant and quit smoking weed as soon as she found out for her babys sake. If u cant sleep im sure your.dr will give you perscription for that. Goodluck.
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  • I was a smoker but i stop bcuz they test ur baby at birth n at doc appt now they have when i had my lil girl hospital called cps cuz during my pregnancy i failed severel drug test but they never told me..thx god i didnt have it n my system at the time if birth i quit 1month n a half cp tried to take my baby but i was clean so they jus came n drug tested me a month later n closed the case...they told me if u couldnt sleep u should if told ur doc n they would of gave u something to help u.sleep..pregnant again rite now n i miss smokin but im not takin that chances again becareful mah
  • @rootzmama my mom smoked with me and my sister and neither of us were under weight and I think its why my sister is so creative. Just watch if you get the munchies, it may put you at risk for diabetes
  • Def talk to ur dr.I know someone who smoked through her whole preg and her child still to this day has alot of problems.god forbid ur baby came out with some thing wrong right away or in the future u would feel horrible and have to live with that guilt forever.I did nothing wrong and my son had disabilities and I still find ways to blame myself.give ur baby the best chance at life he or she can have:) also my mom smoked with me when she was preg she said I made her sick and it was the only thing that made her feel upset she did.she was supposed to nurture me and I feel as though she was more worried about how she felt that's not a nice feeling at the bottom line is its ur choice and ur choice only but just think about when ur child is older and possibly could find out wht u did and how ur child would feel.I wish my mom would have.good luck with everything.I wish u and ur baby well:)
  • U probably got a lot of answers already but my step sister smoked and her son has asthma and gets seizure and has trouble concentrating. Everyone body is different and baby reacts different to. Just wanted to tell you. Wish u luck
  • I dont have a prob with pot but my mom smoked pot with me when she was pregnant and i have had asthma all my life, my lungs are under developed and to small for my body size, i was born a month and a half early, had to be on breathing treatments after i was born and i only weighed 5 pounds 3 ounces when i was born. I'm not telling you what to do just be careful. I love my mom but i wish she never smoked with me. Its made my life difficult. Best of luck!
  • If you have insomnia take tylenol pm. Its safe as long as you don't take it ALL the time. I took it all through out my four pregnancies and im pregnant again and im 7 weeks along. It works and its not bad for you!!!!! Its safe up until the third trimester. Try it, it will help!!! And its safer like I said!
  • Basically smoking reduces the amount of oxygen your baby gets which means brain damage. I smoked secretly once a week for about six months when I was preggo with my now five year old. I was 19 at the time. At 2 my daughter was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Doctors don't know why kids get it but sometimes I wonder if its my fault Its guilt I live with. With my new baby I'm not smoking at all. I don't wanna beat myself up over this baby. Just don't do it! It will teach u patience I'm the end. Its not about us anymore its about our babies who have no voice yet.. protect your child. My doc told me benadryl is ok and will help u sleep.
  • I vaporize maybe twice a week. The nausea is so bad I'm just desperate for relief. I figure vaporizing isnt as bad as smoking, no chemicals or smoke. And being able to eat a couple of solid meals a week is better than mousing my way through this with granola bars, fruit roll ups, bagels, and diluted juice all day every day.

    But I do plan on quitting all together once ive got the nausea under control. I compared studies and read several articles comparing studies. Most of the studies claiming serious effects are from the 60's, when they said pot would make you psychotic and go on a killing spree. Most, not all. And I am sure those studies are just as bogus as Reefer Madness. But ... the what if and potential guilt would kill me.

    I know my mom smoked with me, weed and cigarettes. Less weed and more tobacco. While I do have asthma, I think smoking cigarettes for 7 years (2 packs a day when I finally quit), being lazy and a little chubby, and the horrible pollen since we moved to VA (symptoms are only noticeable in summer and fall) are more to blame than the fetal exposure. My brother has pretty bad ADD, too. But she didn't smoke even cigarettes with my sisters and they have worse ADD and asthma, and anxiety with depression problems. Every person is different. All we can do is try our best.
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  • I have been a huge smoker for many years and was smoking ridiculous amounts my first month of pregnancy (I didn't know yet) The day I took my pregnancy test and it came out positive I straight up quit that very day and stressed myself about the fact that even smoked as much as I did when I found out I was already a month, I just kept thinking that if something is wrog with our baby during the pregnancy or after I would never be able to forgive myself...........THEN that very day I quit I got horribly sick. I suffered with constant vomiting, diarrhea and lost about 15 pounds because just the sound of food repulsed me. I would try to eat and for some reason the food would just end up in a nasty ball in the back of my mouth and I couldn't swallow it so I would just spit it out. I stayed strong for two weeks...dealing with this horrible sickness and then caved in after no longer being able to handle it and after being conceived by many fam and friends that if its just once to help me eat and stop throwing up it would be okay. Now I have gone about four dad without being sick and actually eating andi don't even smoke everyday just when I start to feel horrible again which is once a night every few days....I also have my hunny shotgun the smoke to me because hittng whatever it may be is too harsh for works really well and taste wonderful since it comes frm my loves lips :) I am not recommending to smoke I am just sharing my story because the stress of up and quitting cold turkey like that is very if you research it all ( which I've done plenty) a lot of facts tte that its difficult to confirm that marijuana alone is harmful because majority of pot smokers mix in many other things...harder street drugs, alcohol..ect.
    I alone have never been into anythin else not even cigs or drinking....just mj to help me eat and sleep

  • Wow wonderful parents, I am sorry this sounds so harsh but what about when the baby is here? I imagine it sitting in a room while everyone smokes around it, I really don't see how that would be different. Lovely for husbands to shotgun to there wife and baby, such a gross visual.
    I agree with everyone saying this is a bad idea. For those who are totally addicted and have given a medical reason for using (sleep aid, fighting anorexia) how ignorant.

    I truely hope your doc gives you best advice because you seem open to listening to your doctor.
    @ Mama Kay sorry didn't mean to hurt your feelings wasn't my intention :)
  • My boyfriends best friends girl smoked the whole timewent nine months plus and had two pound baby and the baby died a week later just be careful
  • edited February 2011
  • I think when it comes to topics like this, its best to go with what your doctor says, not anyone else. Like other people have said, everyone is different and other mothers experiences in no way can predict yours. Don't let anyone make you feel like an a$$hole for asking, but don't take only the advice you may want to hear. Good luck with everything :)
  • If u thiink they won't take ur child for thc in ur system think again they took my son at birth and he is now 4 1/2 and they still will not give him back so don't think they won't take him
  • @rootzmama...just please be honest with your doctor and express your concerns and addictions it will honestly only benefit you in helping you get by without it eventually and being healthier for you and the baby both :) don't worry about what anyone else says here on whether you should or shouldn't, that's why we have doctors who get paid pretty well ;) ....and I don't know about most but my obgyn is very understanding and seems to really care about my issues and so forth...
  • Ill be honest. I smoked throughout my pregnancy, quit a month before my due date. Well I ended up going into early labor and tested positive for marijuana. My boyfriend and i weren't living together at the time and he had no idea i was smoking. My baby was tested and thankfully no traces of thc were found. But the hospital personnel did contact child protective services and since my bf was also a smoker we both had custody taken away. It was the worst, but i felt just a tad bit better because my sister was able to take temp custody of my daughter. I must say not being able to sleep with your baby the first night home is the most awful, horrible feeling ever. We had to take parenting classes, personal counseling and random drug testing. I'm beyond happy to say 6 months after doing everything we had to and passing the drug testing the case was closed and we got custody of our daughter back. We are now living together, our daughter is 1 year & 6 months, and we are expecting our 2nd child together:) I hope for nothing but the best for you and your baby.
  • I totally agree ^^ wat selfish thing to do by blaming it on a medical condition or insomnia. Before i got preganant i was smoking weed every single day. Ever since i found out i was expectng i didnt smoke again. The thought didnt even cross my mine. Hospitals do test ur baby for drugs and will not hesitate to take ur baby away from u, to think anything else is being naive. Even though some say there arent any proven side affects, but there is nothing proving tht it does NOT affect the baby. Why would u wna chance tht?
  • I don't know about side effects but I know the hospital I go to drug tests you after you have a baby. A friend of mine had to go through social services to get her kid back. Good luck!
  • @thirdtimesacharm - Agree 150%!!
    It's so sad how many parents lose their children because of drug use.
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