1st docs appt and my doc said i'm not as far???

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Ohkay i was at my first docs appt and i will be 14wks tmrw but my doc felt to see how big my uterus was and he said i'm only about 8 or 9wks pg??? I'm confused i got my positive in January and a due date of Oct 6th so is it possible my uterus just hasn't popped yet? I need help understanding bc i'm so confused right now.


  • No your doc is right its all about how ur baby is measuring up I was told I was 9 weeks when I found out but I was only 6 so that just means u ovulate later than most women do I know I do I was supposed to ovulate on the 15th but ovulated the 26th same with my first
  • When do you go in for your ultra sound? They'll be able to give you a more accurate due date. They were 6 wks off with mine till my u.s.
  • I don't go until next month but i don't understand if i calculate when i missed my period and everything it still adds up to 14wks.
  • Also i got a positve pregnancy test in January.
  • What day in Jan?
  • Did you hear the heartbeat today hun? You should have expressed your concerns and the doctor should have taken it seriously and given you a dating ultrasound to be sure on a due date. Your uterus isn't even able to be felt in your first pregnancy until 12+ weeks, it is still behind your pubic bone. Hope this helps hun.
  • When was the first day of your last period?
  • Well yeah but he wasn't listening to me @momof22be i got my bfp on Jan 31 had a missed period on Jan 27 but i had a feeling i was even before my missed period. @MommyOfTwoPrincesses yes i heard the heartbeat. @grnfish73 my lmp was Dec 30 2010.
  • edited April 2011
    If you heard the heartbeat I highly, highly doubt you are 8 or 9 weeks pregnant hun. Im sure you are further than that especially getting a positive on january 31st. I think I would consider changing doctors asap or call your current doctor and voice your concerns and insist on a dating ultrasound right now. Some can hear their heartbeat on the Doppler at 8 or 9 weeks but its unlikely for a first time mom, usually it take at least 10 weeks to hear it on a Doppler. Ultrasounds it can be detectable from week 6 but dopplers are totally different. And like I said there is no way he could measure your uterus if you are 8 or 9 weeks without an ultrasound considering your uterus is still behind your pubic bone at that time.
  • Oct 6 is your Due date. That can always be of by a week or two but he is off by a month. My lmp due date is off by one week compared to the U/S due date.
  • Ditto MommyofTwoPrincesses
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses i think i will do that bc i'm very confused and don't know what to do.
  • I hope he listens and understands hun, let me know! Good luck and congrats on your pregnancy. :D
  • Me too and thank you so much!!!
  • No problem!! :D
  • My doc tried to say my due date was like 3 weeks off, but I knew he was wrong because there was only 1 date I could've got pregnant, and I KNEW the exact date of the first day of my LMP. Even after 2 ultrasounds said I was spot on for my EDD, my doc STILL insisted my due date was later than it really was. Needless to say, that was the beginning of bad experiences from him, and I eventually ended up switching docs. My new doc moved my due date to the correct date, and finding him was a blessing because my old doc "Forgot" to tell me I had UTI's, was anemic, and had polyhydramnios. Ugh.
  • Oh, and he "forgot" to tell me my pap came back abnormal.
  • I would change docs, if he wont listen what makes you think he will follow your birth plan or wishes? Im a lil paranoid about drs tho ;)
  • MY last period was december 30 and I am due october 18. Im 12 weeks now. I must have ovulated late also cuz at my first visit I got told I was only 6 weeks.
  • I had my us and my dr measured me 6 weeks, she then ordered aus for the nrxt week and I measured 8 weeks so I was off and she was too. I am now 11 weeks 3 days due oct 23rd. The first day of my period was jan 7th.
  • edited April 2011
    Ohkay well hopefully my doc was wrong bc if he was wrong i called and they told me to just wait until my us bc he didn't even give me one he just felt on my stomach so i was like he has to be off a few weeks bc he says i'm about 10wks yet he says my due date is Oct6th which would make me almost 14wks along.
  • When they do your us that will be the most accurate. ;)
  • Thanks @momof22be that's what my mom said i'm not going to trip i was just confused bc i was 4wks3days when i got my first positive then when i seen my physician he told me i was about 8wks pg and sent me to this obgyn and 6wks later he's saying i'm only about 10wks so i was like what!
  • Same thing happen to me when I went in I thought i was 12 weeks 5 days but when she did my ultrasound sounds I was only 8 weeks 4 days. Am 16 weeks tomorrow and heart beat and measurement are all fine
  • That is SUPER confusing! :-? There is a huge difference between 8-9 & 14 weeks...I can see why you're frustrated! So they didn't do an ultrasound today? When is your first one? Cofusing...I don't even know what to say. But if you already feel like your doctor isn't listening to you or taking you seriously, you should switch to someone who you're comfortable with. I switched right away and I feel so much better. Good luck! Keep me posted!
  • My edd was in june, uyerus was measured and agreed. Went to dr for us, bb only meaduring 18_22 weeks... New edd: aug 22!
  • @baileygoose yeah i don't understamd but my firat us isn't until next month on the 4th so i have a long wait to go ugh frustrating. @pregnantlettemama how soon did you find out you were prego bc i had my physician tell me how far along i was and when my due date was and i jave never missed a period before and i missed my period on jan 27th and got a positive on the 30th but had symptoms before my missed period so that's why i'm like are you sure bc i didn't have sex with my bf anytime after i concieved in january and i got a bfp at my docs office in jan...sorry so long just ranting bc something just doesn't seem right.
  • @1_bubbly_mommy I feel ya! I found out in earlu feb. my period was late in sept., so I took some preg tests. Both neg. We were trying not to get preg, so we were using protection every time after that. I havent had a period at all since september. I didnt think anything of it because my cycles r always crazy. Went to er for ear infection and bronchitis in feb, and nurse wanted sample, 30 seconds later, she came in and told me im preg. I had problems getting a dr appt, due to insurance, so I finally got to dr april 4. April 2 I went to er, cuz bb wasnt moving. They sent me to l & d. Nurse there felt uterus and hooked me up to the bb monitor thing. Told me im dead on with my dating, bb measuring 28 weeks. Didnt do u/s. Well, went to doc on mon, and bb measured 18-22 weeks. However, bc im havin fluid problems, she was unable to measure all of bb. Im hoping we can fix the prob with bb, so we can get more accurate datings. Im waiting to c what my hcg levels r so we can get more info... Im so confused and scared... I mean how can I get pregnant in november when I didnt even have sex n november? I think my bb jus isnt growing right, due to the fluid built up inside babys belly. Idk though, um no dr.
  • Yeah it's crazy ours are the exact oppisite but i understand yours i was just like huh bc he put a whole months gap but i already feel flutters and light kicks so i know i'm futher than 10wks.
  • Well my lmp was Jan 16 and I apparently concieved Feb 13 I feel like that is wierd I thought I would b due Oct 22 but doc said I was due Nov 6
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