
edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Hey ladies I'm so worry I'm 11weeks I had a doc appointment today and good news I got to hear the babies heart beat which made me very happy but bad news my doc told me I have something called Group B Strep. And also bacterial vaginoiese. And my doc didn't seem to worried but I read up on it and it scares me I'm curious if anyone has any good advise to give me or is going or went there this? Any comments welcome thanks


  • I had strep b when i delivered my first daughter (I'm 12 weeks woth my second). They give u antioviotics and u will be fine it will clear up. Good luck mama!
  • Thank you. I'm so nervous, but it feels good to hear people having good out comes thanks a lot and good luck to you to sweetie
  • did they only give u the shot during your labor?
  • @mommy2b1023 I found out I had bacterial vaginoiese and they just gave me pills to treat it. They had me wait until I was 14 weeks to take it tho since it was an antibiotic (not sure if you can't take them before 14 weeks but they had me wait) no stress mama, you'll be good as new soon :)
  • @AKmommy my doc told me its to earlier in the pregnancy to really do anything so prob my next appointment in 4 weeks he will. Ugh so nerve wrecking but I'm trying to think positive. Things online scare me though.
  • @mommy2b1023 I would def stay offline lol- My doc called me and told me I had it and I stressed LIKE crazy! turns out it is very very common and easy to treat I just had to wait. Don't worry (easier said that done, I know lol) it will be alright. I took antibiotics with my husband for the whole week and haven't had any issues since then :)
  • Okay. Thanks a lot makes me feel better and yes staying offline is great advice lol
  • I had BV I got some antibiotics n it went away in a week.or 2.
  • No while i was in labor they gave me continuous iv antiobiotocs, but its more common then u think.
  • you should be fine. If your doctor is not worried about it then you shouldn't stress. They just give you antibiotics and it helps it. If your worried talk to your doctor. But right now the best thing for you to is just to relax and keep calm. That is the best thing for your baby. Don't worry your baby is well protected from whatever is in your vajajay (as stupid as that sounds. :D) Good luck with your wee child.
  • :-D totally understand the stress tho
  • thank you ladies
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