can i???

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 32 weeks pregnant and I was wondering if I can watch scary movies. I've heard pregnant women can't and I want to know why.


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  • Ive never heard that and i would like to know too i love scary movies
  • What.. Of course u can
  • Never heard that...don't know why u wouldn't be able to.
  • Huh I have never heard that before. I'm 38 wks and watched a scary movie the other night. It was about zombies which is the one thing I find the scariest! Don't know why though. I have been fine since and I've watched many a scary movies since getting pregnant.
  • It's an old wives tale. They say it cuz if u watch them and get scared it can make u go into labor early...its untrue so watch all u want hun :) happy dreams lol
  • Lol i always wondered that! I feel like wen i jump bcuz im scared that it scares my baby n i feel so bad about it
  • I get sooo nervous since I've been prego, I can't even watch em LOL
  • Lol you should be fine. I think they may think it will scare the baby out of you. It may hold somw truth but I doubt it.
  • Lmao imagine a scary movie making u give birth tho! I dnt think its true but it sounds kind of funny
  • It's just an old wives tale. I heard it like if you scared, the baby senses it and panics.
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