Stress/Anxiety or Mood Swings

edited February 2011 in Second Trimester
It seems like my mood changes so easily in my pregnancy. Sometimes I'm optimistic and anxious to have my baby but other times I'm so worried and afraid if I can do this. I'm single and 21 and from the beginning I've been determined to do this alone. I've always been very confident and independent but Im beginning to question if I can do this. My family is very supportive and helpful but I dont feel comfortable expressing my doubts to them. I just wanna kno that everything will b ok but thts impossible now. I keep thinking that this may b a part of parenting but I'm just curious, does anyone else worry a lot or feel uncertain of themselves?


  • Honey everything will be ok I was like that with my first child. I was alone and very uncertain about my ability to care for him. But stress and anxiety comes with the territory it gets better it may take some time but try and stay strong you can do this dear. I did it when I was 17 my son is now 5 years old and I thank god everyday for him.
  • I feel the same way I am 28 y/o and my bf lives with me...he already has kids and knows what to expect but it doesn't mke things less stressfull. I honestly don't feel like I can do this with or without him, what makes things worse is I am to proud and/or scared to express my feelings to him or my family because I too have always been independent and confident except when it comes to this. I am truly anxious about this baby, I know stress and worry is bad for me and the baby but its hard to not do. I have expressed myself with one friend and he told me that its natural to feel this way and he reassured me things will be ok...I guess the comfort comes from knowing u are not the only one going thru those feelings, I feel like I need to break down but somehow can't all the time I blame it on hormones :) but divamommy all I can say is remember u are not alone...I feel you completely!!
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