Hate being pregnant???

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
Does anyone else hate beig pregnant this far in the game. Im huge. Achy. Crampy. And uncomfortable. Am I alone?


  • Nope your not alone. And to add to your list of dislikes, I'm also hormonal and wish I could just do, eat, and drink what I want. Not to mention I wish I could actually sleep. My husband doesn't even care about any of that lately. He's just so worried about how his "fun time"is almost over so he's constantly leaving me at home by myself while he goes out to party with his buddies.
  • I am right there with you. I am 33 weeks and ready for this pregnancy to be over. Takes me forever to get comfortable at night.
  • I don't hate it but I am so ready for it to b over...35 wks and have had sooo much pelvic pressure I can.hardly walk. This is my 3rd...my oldest is 2 so I like to think I remember a lot of my first 2 pregnancies and I swear I didn't have this much pressure til like the week before they were due.
    A girl my mom works w hated being pregnant-pretty much beginning to end lol. She was to the point of not wanting another bc she hated being preggo. Now her son is a yr old and she's thinking bout having another
  • @Jojom: my husband woyuld be sleeping with his buddies if he did that to me.
  • Aww poor thing! I think there's a point every prego mom can do without the pains but its all worth it. I truely think the 2nd trimester is the best! Once u hit 8months u just want the baby here & are tired of being prego! Hang in there girlie!
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  • @Jojom ummm that sucks! How u gona put a baby in some1 then get mad at the process?? Someone needs 2 check him...I guess since he wants 2 hang out then he shouldn't get none anyway!
  • @hurstk28 he's normally a great guy but it's like he's just freaking out about the baby coming. I'm 36 weeks and he's been getting so nervous. I've been trying to just deal with it cause theres only a couple more weeks left and I know he will be happy and normal again once our little man is here but I get so bored bein alone all the time!! I cant even walk around town cause I get so tired and sore. Sorry if I'm venting too much. I just needed to get this all out.
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  • @simone Sorry. Lol I hit the wrong button and my phone spazzed so I had to turn it off. He's been trying to explain his "issues"all morning cause he doesn't understand why I'm upset. O and once he came home last night he actually tried to get some! Ha! Lets just say he went to bed unsatisfied.
  • @uncaffinated_katie yea I think thats his deal but still. I can't do ANYTHING anymore but he can? This sucks.
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  • Glad im not alone. Thanks for the support. 40 weeks seems like forever and I only have to go 38.5 lol... I feel guilty for coplaining knownin how great the end result is. But im just so uncomfortable abd its makin me crabby. . .
  • P.s.,this will b my last two kids is the perfect amount for us. So I can proudly say I never want to b pregnant again....ever....ever.... Just saying lol
  • I'm just under 15w and I feel no shame in saying that yes I hate pregnancy. Love the result hate the ordeal. But then I'm at the to sick to go to work not sick enough for Disability so no money coming in stage *this stage lasts from week 6 to about 38.5
  • @beaded_bunny I feel for u to. Im on bed rest for only a few days and the no ibcome stinks so bad...and ugh to only 15 weeks
  • @kaylin I agree completely about the no income! I work a measly cash job on monday mornings and get about 30 dollars for it. But it's 30 more than we had.

    @uncaffinated_katie lucky! I wish we had something like that going on to keep mine busy. We can't even start planning to move our house cause it's the familys land and they don't want us to move til they sell the land cause we are keeping it looking nice. My hubby doesn't quite get the feet in the headlights look but you can see a sweat break out on his forehead when you mention the baby. Lol
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  • @uncaffinated_katie lol. my husband was still normal when we got all the things to put together. I don't think it had fully sunk in how close we were to having the baby. But now? Ha. He trembles at the thought of changing diapers and trying to calm a crying baby. It's funny at times but sometimes I worry how much I'm going to have to do alone.
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  • @uncaffinated_katie o I wish I would be able to do that. I'm planning on getting atleast a part time job. And I'm still going to have to do all the baby care. I'm hoping once we have the baby my husband will wake up a little. It's our first baby so I think, or well I hope, it's just nerves of the unknown.
  • I don't hate it at all. It gets a bit annoying when I can't bend over like I used to but 34 wks its been an amazing journey. Im just grateful for this pregnancy after loosing my first to miscarriage and after taking over a year to finally get pregnant :) but I will be glad once it's over so I can finally hold her
  • @kayleigh27 ur rigt we should b a little more greatful. There are several women who have lost babies or can not have. Etc... Just can get a little uncomfortable ...
  • Yeah it does. Im not hating the people who hate being pregnant. I know quite a few women who were absolutely miserable the whole time being pregnant
  • I have mixed feelings. I would love for it to be over, I'm in so much pain, with contractions, seperated pelvis, and gestational diabetes. but I'm also on strict bedrest for 2 more weeks. I'm 34 weeks and its not safe to have her before 36! So I am miserable just trying to keep her in!

    @kayleigh27 tell me bought not being able to bend over. My 2 year old figured out if I get mad at her if she lays flat on the floor I can't reach her, even the dog realized I can't get to him under the table!
  • Its pretty much the worst thing ive ever had to go threw... Love the out come tho!
  • Im just entering my second trimester according to all my apps and im so sick of throwing up, cramping, back pain. Not being able to eat half the time and no drinking just excludes me from so much. And holy sh!t hormones. I could kill my bf most days to
  • Lmao @ammasmamma it really gets me mad when I can't bend over. I work in a clinic and I feel bad when I have to.get patients to get things for me. I have to get my husband to help me put on and take off my shoes for work now too because its so hard to just bend over with a big beach ball in the way :)
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