4 year old pretending he is pregnant...

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
So yesterday, my four year old son decided he was "going to have a baby! He stuffed several small stuffed animals up the front of his shirt, and walked around stating "Hey every one I'm pregnant, and I'm going to have a baby!" He then got on to the floor, on his back and made faces like he was trying to poo, and then pulled out each stuffed animal from his shirt, both the top, and the bottom! I laughed so hard!!!!! It was very cute, and silly. Does any one else have kids doing something similar?


  • My toddler is almost 2 and if you ask him where the baby is he points at his tummy its really cute.
  • Lmaaao my lil girl does 2 shell be 4 in may, and she's picked up me and my partner are trying thru listening to us talk etc and she does it allllll the time xx
  • It is very cute. Lol. He also told me that to get a baby out you push it out of your mouth. I have NO idea where he got that one from.
  • Lol my son does the same thing he says his sissy is in his tummy nd he rubs his tummy against mine also he pointed to his dads stomach nd said daddy got bby too lol
  • Yep. My 2 year old feels my tummy, pushes to feel the baby, puts her face in my belly and talks to it, then makes me feel her tummy and says "feel my baby?" Lol too cute!
  • Sooo cute. Lol
  • I love small children they do some of the cutest things.
  • Aww my 3 year old loves her baby so I told her to come feel her brother kick and she responded, "I don't wanna get kicked!" Lol so now instead of kicks they r high 5's
  • I am pregnant with my first so I don't have any experience with this but I just had to tell you that is soooo adorable! I can just picture that in my head, love it!
  • My neighbor's daughter came over the other day and I was brushing my teeth and started to gag......she responded "oh no mommy Mrs. K is having her baby!" Lmao

    She is 4 btw
  • it was really funny, and the best part about it is that he got his two cousins to participate as well! Another 4 year old, and a 3 year old. They took turns being "pregnant, and delivering their babies" and being the "support person". It was just SO cute.
  • My 5 yearold did it but used a rubber ball. All i can say is i hope my labor and delivery goes alot smoother than his appeared to. He slapped his shirt at thr top of the ball and it went flyin across the room.
  • @cetheridge that is so funny! My son has done the whole I'm pregnant thing with a ball before, but never the I'm delivering the babies now. It just made me laugh so much.
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