it disgusts me...
When I see so many people taking things out of context. I can't stand seeing soo many people at eachothers throats. Its not really anybodys business what's going on in someones life & if they deem you special enough to actually tell you what's wrong then how dare you treat them like dirt? They TRUST you, that's why they tell you things.. I hate when trust is broken.. its so hard to replace that!! I'm sick of seeing so many people ranting & raving over NOTHING! Nobody died & made you GOD, so who do you think you are to make decisions like you do? God doesn't like ugly, so ill be praying for you... (ugh, HAD to vent!)
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and this is what happens when people dont think about what they are posting... there have been numerous threads about women being uncomfortable about themself "feeling ugly" and to post that "god doesn't like ugly" is rude and disrespectful...