Marginal placenta previa

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
My prenatal educator went over my 12 week scan with me and told me how my placenta is low.. Which means I have marginal placenta previa. Although it isn't complete she told me I couldn't have intercourse until I talk to my midwife which isn't until another month. She also said I'll be getting more frequent checkups and ultrasounds. I know the chance of it moving up and fixing itself as ther baby grows is 90% but the boyfriend and I aren't too happy about having to wait. Did anyone else have this and how long weren't you able to have sex?


  • With my first pregnancy I had complete. I had to abstain from 27 wks to 38 wks when I gave birth. Of course then the full 6 wks after. BUT the placenta moved at my "determing" u.s. @ 37 wks
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