I know this is silly but how does labor feel

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Is labor really that painful and what kind of pain can you describe it as I'm so curious if ill be able to handle it


  • Yes...it is painful. It feels like the worst period cramps ever. Don't worry though, you will definitely be able to handle it. Women of all different shapes,sizes,and pain tolerance levels have been doing this for thousands of years. The first time is scarry, but your body is designed for this. Don't be scared. The doctors and especially the nurses will do everything they can to make you as comfortable as possible.
  • I completely agree...it feels like the worst period cramps ever. That definitely is the best way to explain it. Everyones tollerance to the pain is different.
  • To me it felt like my insides wer squeezing into a little ball.painful but so worth it
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