Gender News

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
So my husband may not be able to take off work to come to the ultrasound :-(
Any creative ideas on how I can give him the news, as well as the rest of the family???


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  • @praying4our3rd...I am so anxious I don't think I could wait. Was a tuff knowing you had the answer in that envelope and had to wait?

    @richjen24...Trickory...I like!!

    Thanks Ladies
  • Me and my husband will knw, but im making a cake and coloring the inside blue or pink and were having a family get together and they wont knw what it is til they cut it, that way everyone close will knw at the same time :)
  • I work with his dad. Told him I'd wear the gender specific colored panties. He sought me in the elevator where I showed him my blue panties ;)
  • edited April 2011
    @ firsttymemom...oooh great idea for the family!! Thanks

    @ Jaime77... ha ha then I can trick him into Naughty time after TMI LOL :X :-j
  • edited April 2011
    @ praying4our3rd....WHAT !?!?! I would have smacked her! I don't think I can wait, I think I am more excited to find out more than anyone!!!
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