I am so confused... Dr called with my u/s results..

ok so 2 weeks ago i had my ultrasound, to determine the condition of my PCOS. when i was 16 yrs old i had 17 cysts in my left ovair the smallest being 1 cm. and the biggest being 5 cm... thw womans ovary is only supposed to be 3 cm. my right was the same with 13 cysts! well now 8 years later.... I have no cysts in my ovaries.. but i still have the symotoms, lack of period, weight, hair growth, higher level of testosterone.....so monday, i have another fasting blood test for my insulin level... im so confused how can you have PCOS with out any cycsts????? heres my pervious test resluts

Total Cholesteral 174 (should be less than 200) Thats good..
Good Cholesteral 30 (should be less than 40) Thats good..
Bad Cholesteral 114 (should be 100) Ehhh Dr says thats not too bad..
Glucose 85 (should be less than 100) Thats good..
Insulin 46 (should be less than 25) Thats NOT good. (DR says Im border line prediabetic

FSH,LSH,THYROID= levels all good, with in range

Testosterone= should be 48 or lower. Im at 48... (says thats not bad, but un-normal for a woman

Papsmear= normal

please help are any of you going through PCOS with no cysts?????


  • Seriously sounds just like my labs...excet my insulin is in the 50's when I'm not on metformin. Also my testosterone is just elevated, but too high for a girl. I had cysts before I had kids-they are mostly gone (some scaring or something shows up on u/s but they think its from ovaries not ovulating. Those have gone away with this pregnancy). Anyway, my PCOS is directly correlated to my insulin level. But the good news is metformin really, really, really helps get those levels down (and really helps you lose weight quickly AND ovulate more regularly, which keeps cysts down). Did they put you on metformin yet? I think your the one I've messaged before about this (I think). Hang in there, do what doc says, excercise, and I promise you labs will look better next time. Can I ask, are you heavy? I have always been a big girl, and the metformin has helped with weight loss. And i know w/out the metformin i would not have gotten pregnant. I will send you my personal email address and you can email me anytime. Good luck! I know your going to start feeling better soon about this!
  • I went with my friend to the doctor to get blood work done bcuz we thought she was pregnant since she had all of the same symptoms I do. & they diagnosed her with PCOS & she didn't have any cysts
  • @cicelia yes i am heavy im 5'10 and 3 weeks ago i weighed in at 292, today i weighed my self and im steady at 280. the doctor hasnt put me on metformin yet, she wants to do another fasting insulin level monday so i think/ should be on meds with in 2 weeks, i know i wont be pregnant until after august when my husband comes home, unfortunalty hes out of state right now. i figured it would take a while for her to get me on meds, its just weird to me that 8 years ago my ovaries were the size of tennis balls and now they are back to normal, im just hoping that prolonging my visits to the dr to have this problem corrected, that i didnt screw my self, and completly damage my ovaries, but the dr said they looked fine, appropriate size, and thickness. so im hopinr that soon enough i will finally have the one and only wish i have ever wanted, come true. it just baffels me that one day they are there and one day there not. i wish i would have my period. i hate having it once a year if that. my last cycle was november 2010 and the one before that was september 2009. i cant even remember the one before that i think it was in jan 2008.... having 1 a year fluctuating, really makes it hard for me to remember. lol... i look forward to be able to email you about this, not many of my friends really understand what im going through, I have mostly friends who are in a relationship with multipul children or a baby on the way and it becomes heartbreaking most of the time, when i look at my life, and say.. why cant I ... or when I look at all my highschool friends who are on there 2 or 3 baby, and Im not even at one... so.. thankyou soo much for making me feel better! xo
  • www.bundlesofjoy.forumotion.com
  • Please email me anytime. I am happy to suppoert you in anyway I can. I remember having messed up periods. I went 8 years having 7 periods total, but each of those periods lasted at least 4 wks. I even became aneimic and had to get iron infusion for my blood. But, with the meds and a little weigh loss things changed. They will for you too. I think once you get your meds and take them regularly your going to see sooooo many changes. I remember crying when my period started every month but in a way being relieved that I was having one every month which meant is was actually ovulating. I'm actually really excited for you, you have a few months to get to dr, get on meds, get regular and then hubby come home and you'll be all ready to try. Also with the weight loss you'll feel so much better. Its amazing because even a ten percent loss of weight can do so much for regulating our cycles. Once you start in the metformin you'll be shocked how fast you lose weight with just a little exercise. I'm really glad your doing this for your health, it will prove to be something you did for your family :) I am proud of you. My email is cicelia618@yahoo.com drop me a message if you'd like. I'm on facebook too if you have one. Take care my new lovely friend :)
  • @cicelia thankyou soo much cicelia, you are a wonderful help, im gonna send u an email, so youll have my address! and my facebook information too
  • i think i posted my lab results on this forum, ive had irregular periods my entire life, abnormal weight gain and hair growth ( wich is extremly embarassing ) when i was 16 i had multipul cycst and i guess they just decide to disapear, thankgod!
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