@BabyKixALot my sons are Gregory, Jacob, and dalton. And my daughter is Abby. I didn't name dalton, my man's baby mama did. Hooray 1 nighters huh... lol!! He is a clone of his daddy tho, its so funny. Looks exactly like him. All of mine look like me.
Team blue!!!! Due April 22 but the doc said I may be early. His name is Elijah but we are throwing some middle names around. Lee, charles, or joseph. All are family names.
I am due in August.... baby names of Maxx or Julien. @ charlotteb looks like you might have a hard time finding a name that idiots can spell you know there is always going to be one that will mess it up.
Don't I know it @lilbabythree, I had someone ask how to spell Aaron.... which is my man. Um that's name spelling 101. Lol! This will take some thought.
Yay Im so happy...Im apart of team BLUE....I did a tour of my hospital and every baby was a boy but one was a girl....it looks like this yr the boys will out number the girls....
@preggointx I know I love the name... but when I 1st found out I was pregnant I had a dream that I delivered a babyboy an the dream was soooo real its scary, I delivered him an then held him an named him tre'vyn (pronounced trey-vin lol) so the name stuck... I hav 2 use tre'vyn now lol
@ charlotteb looks like you might have a hard time finding a name that idiots can spell you know there is always going to be one that will mess it up.
Aww u can use Tavanti for a boy name too say it and c how u like it while picturing ur son ....I'm still a fan