high blood sugar?!?!?!

edited April 2011 in Health
My husband has high blood sugar and the dr told me due to my lack of eating I may have low blood sugar. So my husband has made me test with his meeter and the readings have been between 140 and 180. I told this to my drs associate (she is on maternity leave) and he seemed like it was alright. I thought that would be high in an non-pregnant person. I am wondering if anyone can tell me if I am just being nurvous or should I worry?


  • When are you testing? My dr said fasting test under 90 and 1hr after eating should be under 140 but my dr is mean
  • My doc also tells me the same. Your numbers seem high. And it can be a problem for baby its like living on a sugar high for them when our numbers are that high and I was told that it can lead to production of insulin for the unborn baby which causes high birth weight and other issues. You should go to see a doc.
  • I saw the dr yesterday and he made it seem like there was no need for concern even though he said the numbers were high. @desertrose I test in the morning when I wake up range is 130 to 140 then I test again an hour after I eat range is 140 to 180.
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  • I have gestational diabetes. That is pretty high, if ur so concern i would def bring it to their attention cos u don't want a diffcult labor or something goes wrong and its too late. Goodluck
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