Before the test reads positive! advice needed!

edited February 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
I am wondering how people felt before the pregnancy test read positive? What were your symptoms? How did you feel? I wanna compare how I feel to people who have conffirmed it. My stomach feels massive. Bloating and light cramping in the stomach area. There were a few cramps in the pelvic area yesterday. I use to have force myself to sleep now its all I dream of. I just feel discomboulated, I almost cried this morning because it looked so beautiful outside. My body feel achy all over. Lower back pains, throat feels like there is fresh throw up sitting there. I have this taste in my mouth ew its terrible


  • I had a headache and it felt like my body was fighting off the flu for 2 weeks. My boobs were sore and I was super emotional. I also had this gaging or feeling of being choked if my clothing was too close to my neck.
  • I feel like my thoat has fresh throw just waiting there . N the worst tatse in my mouth. And back pain as well forgot to mention these as well
  • Yeah. My back didn't hurt except for that achey flu feeling. But the pukey throat feeling is what I as trying to describe
    Not in my belly, but in my throat. Its weird
  • My first pregnancy I always had an upset stomach and I was tired. The second pregnancy I was just really moody
  • Need to know. Next week isn't coming soon enough
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