group b strep...

edited April 2011 in May 2011
Any moms on here who had it when they gave birth??? How was baby afterward?


  • I tested positive with my first pregnancy. They gave me an iv with antibiotics before I delievered. Everything was fine.
  • I know many woman who have had it, their given antibiotics during labor and baby was fine :) don't worry hun, you and your little one should be to :)
  • Yea...I got the paper to give to l&d for the antibiotics. I just read about it and it scared me...that's what I get for Googling everything!
  • Lol my husband always tells me to stop googling pregnancy stuff
  • I don't have my results yet, but I was talking to my mom about it and she said she tested positive with me they gave her antibiotics and I'm just fine B-)
  • I'm glad everyone has good stories about it! Feeling better and I'm definitely gunna stop Googling anything pregnancy related!
  • I had it with baby #1. All went well. My waters broke first thing. So as long as I got my iv before I had the baby it was all good...but I think the 20 hrs I was in labor was unnecessary
  • There Is a late effecting one. I Just know a baby that was like 3weeks old died from it when I was at the hospital
  • Well with my first I did test neg but when I gave birth I had it. My daughter was born with Meningitis and had to stay in the nicu for 2 weeks.
    When she was born all she did was cry, so I wanted a lil sleep n I know it was God that told me to take her to the nursery cuz she had a seizure soon after. She's now a beautiful 13 year old.
    So with every delivery I just have to tell them n they will start me on antibiotics
  • @marriedwith_4 that is an amazing story.
  • @mom60511 I was a wreck. To be told ur first baby has an infection in her blood, seizing , meningitis. I couldn't hold it together. I was @ the hospital everyday so she could feel my presence. The gave me my own room fed me n told me they never had a mom to do what I did.
  • Thanks for all the amazing stories! I hope all goes well with my baby girl! :)
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