hey!! im new and need friends for moral support. (long!!!)

my name is ariana, im 15 years old from the big island hawaii and my due date is nov 2... i am scared about this whole pregnancy thing... i dont know what to do... my parents know and are in the process of charging my bf with stat. rape charges and already has a restraining order on him!!! i want the baby because it is a part of me and him but i cant do this alone... and my parents arent any help all they do is yell at me that i f***ed up and that i better find out a way to make this right... but they wont let me get an abortion even if i wanted to they said i made my bed and now im gonna lay in it... but i refuse to give my baby up for adoption i wont carry him/her for 9 months just to give it up... the thing is i know i fucked up... we were usually so careful but i got drunk at the beach with my friends and well we slipped.. i dont want my baby thinking that it is a mistake...


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  • edited April 2011
    @richjen24 my bf is 21... and my dad is a police officer... they knew we were dating and werent ok with it but said its my life... the only reason in know im pregnant is 3days ago my mom took me to the dr to get birthcontrol and well can you imagine our shock and her reaction when the doctor said i couldnt get any!! she was not happy... my mom is a big samoan lady... not good...
  • Sigh..that's a hard situation but u gota give ur parents a minuteto calm down bcuz I can't say how I wud react if u were my daughter. I can't blame them for the rape charges on the bf tho bcuz if he's an adult then its wrong on his part. At the end of the day there is a wonderful baby on the way & its life isn't a mistake. Life no matter it come is a blessing. You just be the BEST mommy u can be to this baby and take good care of yourself!
  • I got pregnant at 16 with my first son. I didn't plan it but it def was not a mistake in any way. I love all my children more then anything in this world. That being said I was scared ass hell. It's a very scary thing for me now and I'm 29 with my 3rd on the way. I hope ur parents do come around but u can do it without them! I wish u nothing but the best hun and I am also here if u need to talk.
  • I'm sorry for what you're going thru, if you want to talk I'm always on here you can message me whenever
  • "GASP!!!" He's 21???? That's a big age difference sweetheart idk...I can imagine their shock!
  • @isaiahnjocelynsmommy i dont know if they will come around... we talked(yelled) at eachother about it when we got home from the doctor and they basically said he f***ed up he needs to be punished that they allowed us to see eachother because they thought we were responsible... that i need to decide what i am going to do but abortion is out of the picture...
  • They're really going to charge him with that? My parents tried till I convinced them not to. I'm 15 too my boyfriend turned 18 in may. Anyways if you need anyone to talk to I'm here for you!
    I'm sorry your parents are keeping your boyfriend from you and his child. If it was consentual and you guys care about each other (I'm guessing you do because you say he's your boyfriend right?) Then it isn't wrong and he doesn't deserve that.
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  • @simone they knew we were dating... its not uncommon in my nationality for age gaps like that... my mom and dad are 15 years apart...plus we grew up together..
    @wallieheadbaby3 thank you!!! i hope i can make it through this... but i have been crying for the past 3 days because i cant see my bf and my parents look at me with disgust...
  • Omg! Almost everything that ur tellin me is wat I went threw. I was 15 turning 16,wen I get pregnant my man was 20 turning 21. My parents did the same thing. If u wanna talk message me or u can text me
  • @mommyofganja i dont think i can talk them out of it... they are hard headed... like me... it was consentual and not the first time but we messed up this once and they just arent stopping...
    @isaiahnjocelynsmommy im gong to try to explain that to them but i dont know if he knows of what his reaction was when he found out... my mom called the cops when we got home my dad showed up his sergent took the report and when my dad came home he said that the restraining order went through and i cant contact him
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  • @polynesianprincess well that's true..if they knew then y such a big reaction??? Were they ok with it even tho they knew?
  • Oh wow super fu*king bummer. Just focus on your baby.
    I guess there's nothing you can do about your boyfriend and that really sucks but hopefully things will get better as time goes on. You sure will have a ton of support from the chicks on here if you need it.(:
  • Oh hun just take it one day at a time and if u need to one moment at a time. The age gap isn't that big of a deal to me as long as it was consensual... I've dated lots of men 6 years older then me. Keep talking to your parents. Let them know you love them and this will be there grandbaby and that u love this man. I understand how upset, shocked and frustrated you must be. Keeping you in my thoughts. Keep me updated.
  • Hey so your new and in same boat omg how crazy. And u liv in tht place wow
  • @simone i dont know!!! and thats what is driving me insane!!! hey knew i was dating him... they've known him since he was like 9... and now just because a mistake they are taking him away from me.. i cant believe this is happening and i dont know what to do... how will i take care of a baby without the support of my bf !!! i love him... weve been together since i was 13... (btw im turning 16 this year) and i know he loves me... but because of the restraining order i cant talk to him to even see if he is excited, anxious, scared, or what...
    @wallieheadbaby3 thank you for caring!!! and i will...
  • Why don't u run away with himm?
  • @polynesianprincess wow that's such a crazy situation. It sucks..I hope they let him be apart of the babys life bcuz the babay didn't do anything wrong 2 not have its dad. Just hang in there sweetie. In time things will get better. It feels like hell now but a few months from now things will change...I hope
  • Just 2 add...running away doesn't fix anything!! Don't make the situation worse. At the end of the day u KNOW ur parents love u. I bet with mre time it will get better. Think all of ur choices thru. U can't let ppl tell u 2 do stupid stuff.
  • @jen_cesar95 because that is gonna be kidnapping... i cant add that to his record... thats just wrong im worried about him and my baby doing that would make it worse..
    @simone i know im trying to think as much as possible!!! its hard tho...
  • Running away with him is not a good idea. Then he could also be charged with kidnapping. Don't make a bad situation worse.
  • Ooo I wanna run away but cant I don't have no place to run ro
  • @carley i know!!! why even suggest that...
  • @jen_cesar95 ur a kid 2?? Y do u want 2 run away?
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