edited April 2011 in Giving birth
My due date was april 17th but due to a emergency c_section due to a rupture with my son was schedule c section for baby #2 was for april 8th at 2pm for my second son...but at 2:27pm april 8th 2011 my doctor said congrats its a beautiful baby GIRL wth..all this blue stuff and no,name picked happy she's here but still nameless..has this happened 2 any1 else


  • Omg!!!! Im worried of that happening to me!! When did u have ur ultrasound when the said it was a boy?
    congratulations on your little girl:)
  • Congrats to you! I know you're shocked
  • maybe you can use ur boy name as a girl name just twick it a lil lol
  • Thank everyone @beatrice1436 I had my gender ultrasound at 27 weeks
  • @wiseccourt we r trying...but I think my ex bf likes the debate lol
  • @lovingmybabyboy I really was but im happy
  • Omg I had my gender us @ 27wks mine better come out a boy ... But congratz
  • @may1mommatobe thank yu n I hope yu get ya boy 2
  • Oh wow! See my baby was stubborn so it took three tries and finally the third the tech said its a girl but at least three people said she looks like a girl. I'm worried lol about her being a boy.

    Wow I don't know what to say. I bet you were in disbelief. Congratulations on the baby :) little girls are so much fun
  • I mean I want a lil boy so bad I might go smack the us tech if he becomes a she on delivery day
  • Oh wow..that far and still wrong!! I hoping you were gonna say 14 wks or something!!
  • @proudmomma thank yu n yes my little one wouldnt say still during the u/s but they were sure its a boy...i switched doctors,late so wen,my new doc did a u/s the baby was already 7lbs n legs closed
  • @may1mommatobe I was sooo prepared 4 another boy and so was my 2 year old
  • @beatrice1436 my thought exactly lol
  • See mine wouldn't open her legs all the way till the last Ultrasound but I saw the lines so I hope its a girl. Lol her bed is pink and I washed all of her clothes lol. See I have heard of girls turning into boys but wow. Well God knows you need a girl :)
  • @proudmomma awww I hope its a girl 4 yu...her bed is tan n green so im ok,with that..but all the clothes n blankets n other things r blue or boyish or say something about boy
  • That sucks. I was told that most places will let you exchange when this happens
  • @proudmomma they will n wen I leave the hospital I will surely b doing that
  • Congrats I wouldn't know what lol I'm happy for u and u will give her the perfect name
  • @preggointx awww thank yu very much
  • Aww :) I had a dream I had a boy and I was SO mad hahaha. Not that I actually would be. She's 100% a girl though lol, I have an u/s of her spreading her legs for the camera. She'll be a handful for sure.
  • Ummm wow...that is soo crazy! I have an u/s at 28 weeks..they have been saying for sure it is a boy but now ya got me thinking! Congrats on the girl though:)
  • Congratulations!
  • Congratulation on the healthy bundle of joy!!!!

    I hope that happens to me since both mine are boys. I find out if the third is my lucky charm for a girl.
  • edited April 2011
    Wow thats funny lol congrats onthe little gurlie!! hopefully they gots mine right haha cuase we even painted purple :/ but my belly is pointted like a boy humm will see this sunday gettin induce :) BUT CONGRATS 2you lol !!!
  • No way! Omg that's crazy on some real ish. What you gonna bring her home in
  • Wow that scares me I had 3 different techs tell me mines a boy I'm sure he is tho Cus we seen the whole sack lol but I have another ultrasound on Tuesday for other reasons and ill be 30 weeks so I am for sure gonna have them look again!!! Congratulations on your little girl they really are a blessing!
  • I had a second us so if she becomes a he...this is our third-2 boys rid of pretty much all the boy b pissed! My lil boy would b wearing a lot of pink lol. Congrats on your lil girl
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