can u be pregggo n not feel diffrent?

I just don't know if im any different. I mean my period isn't here but it comes different times. I only had sex once and I hear ppl tryinn to have a babe n they can't cause they neverr have a period on time.


  • I think you can, but if u are in tune with your body u usually feel different even if it is just a slight change. But most teens aren't that in tune, I know I wasn't and had I gotten pregnant at 16 it would have taken me along time to realize it without obvious symptoms.
  • If you are asking if you can be pregnant with no symptoms at all, than yes you can! I've never had a symptom except my missed period with both of my girls. If you have irregular periods, it can be harder to pinpoint ovulation BUT you can still easily get pregnant if sex happened on the right day. Have you ever heard of the show 'I didn't know I was pregnant?" Those girls had irregular periods and no pregnancy symptoms and never even knew they were pregnant until they were in labor. So yes, it is very possible you can be pregnant hun, best thing to do is test. :)
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