Food Problems

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
Anyone else fine with food but now not? Im 8w 2d and even though im hungry, when i eat it doesn't taste good, or just makes me sick to my stomach. Anyone else going through this?


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  • @mommamoon the first trimester is very very hard . everything tastes weird and everything makes you sick . i was the same way with both my pregnancies and it was horrible . once i hit my second trimester is when the food part went back to normal (well besides the weird cravings) im 27 weeks and 5 days . its normal .
  • Im 8 weeks 4 days and i started having the taste problems at 8 weeks and bellyaches every once in a while si im guessing its normal :)
  • I was like that in the beginning, I went back to bein able to eat for two weeks now im 11w + 3d and sick all over again ..
  • I still have to look at something and, preferably, smell it before I can decide to eat it or not. I hate it when I get something and change my mind as soon as I really look at. And I'm 18 weeks.

    But it does get better. Good luck. I hope you can find a few food items to hold you over. And keep on those prenatals.

    I liked granola bars, oranges, Simply brand juices, toast with a little butter and sometimes cheese, and for a while I could eat Nutrigrain bars. It was tough for me to find protein, though.
  • I felt the exact same way my first trimester, I thought food woukd never look or taste good again, I existed on crackers and water, and magically at 12 weeks I could actually start eating some real food again. It will go away I promise...good luck :)
  • Thanks everyone. Its just weird bc i was fine with it before, then 3 days ago food just started to not look/sound good. Lol. I hope it goes away soon!
  • Same with me an im 12wks. Had this the whole 9 months last time. Its depressing. I try to keep my mind on healthy baby thoughts. >-)
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