New!! Eating doritos joining pregly!!

Hi!! So I just joined but been reading stuff the last couple days.. Lolzz its bananas!! Anyways I'm 22 and expecting my fourth!! Me and the hubby couldn't be happier!! But does anyone know how to go about getting my two year old to stop hating the unborn?


  • Welcome! When are you due? As far as your toddler, boy or girl??? I have an almost 3-year old girl & we've gotten her excited about the upcoming baby by keeping her involved; she goes to all appointments & ultrasounds, helps pick out clothes, and has been watching YouTube videos on changing diapers for weeks so she can "help" me. Lol :)
  • Aww! Try getting them involved. Make their role as a big sis/bro very important. Buy them the BIG sis/bro shirt now so they could brag that they will be a big instead of the little one. Tell them about the "jobs" they will have once the baby is born. They like having jobs or being in charge of something at that age.
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  • I'm due august 17 with a boy. I have 2 girls 2 and 3 and a six year old boy. My two year old is fine with me having a baby but not her daddy!! Lolzz.. We tried getting her involved but if hubby is involved too its no baby!! The other two are super excited though!!
  • Eeks! Tell him to man-up! Lol... seriously, good luck! :)
  • My son even asked if I can hold in the baby for his bday which is the day after my due date :">
  • Awwww!!! That's ADORABLE!!!
  • Ya he spoils angelise rotten and the other two love me more!! Lolzz.. She doesn't want to not be the baby.. We reassure her but she doesnt understand and I don't know how to get her to understand..
  • Lolzz the hubby is super happy cuz its his first boy.. My son is from a previous relationship.. They have a great relationship but he still wanted the last name on his son.. and angelise has always been closer to him. In her eyes mommy is having a baby yayyyyy!! Daddy is hers back offf!! Lolzz
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