New here..But

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm not trying to ruffle feather or cause any more drama then there already is. And I have read all the posting about the moderators and people being banned. When I got pregnant with my first I was so terrified, I was in a state all alone my family 2000 miles away. I would have loved to have a site like this to talk to people that had been in my shoes or were going through the thing.
People forget that when your pregnant your hormones are super charged. You cry at a stupid commercial on TV or at something you read and something someone says to you. We should all be supporting each other whether your young or old 1 kid or this is your 5th. We all are experiences things and sometimes look for other support and there experiences. Sometimes doctors and hospital can be insensitive when it comes to our concerns and worries.
So maybe next time you want to bash someone or speak your mind you might want to think how you would feel if you were in there shoes. When you were scared or alone or the doctor wasn't answering and you didn't know what to do.
I'm just trying to get everyone to see that maybe we need to be nicer to each other. We are all here for the same reason. We are mothers and we having babies or trying to have babies. Always remember take a step back and breath, count to 10 whatever you need to do to look at the situation with rational and caring thoughts. And if you can't comment nicely or like you actually care, maybe that post isn't the right one to comment on.
I am not trying to tell anyone what to do or cause any issues. just trying to get everyone to look at this site as a helping tool and not something you use to release your anger or rude comments. Again we are all here for the same reasons.


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