Consignment Shops

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Well, they rock, right? I thought we could start a thread to share our favorite thrift stores. You just have to say what city it is, too.

For your Northern VA mamas, a woman at a yard sale today told me about Little Lords & Ladies, and that it has just kids' stuff. She said she was taking anything that didn't sell there and that it's awesome. I haven't been yet, but you can bet I'll go on pay day! It's right at the intersection of route 28 and 50, in Chantilly.

In Ashburn there's Hope's Tresures. It's pretty small, and their hours kind of suck if you have a job, because they open after 9 and close at, like 6 Monday through Friday. I don't know their hours on Saturday. But it's a thrift store with just kid stuff if you have the chance to check it out. I got a lot of books for my class room there (I work with toddlers, I don't want to spend $15 on a book that is going to get shredded.)

There's also the Good Shepherd Alliance in Ashburn, just down the road from Hope's Tresures. They're actually sister stores. They are small, but packed full of good stuff. And I love that the rich, Ashburn suburban families donate things like Banana Republic jeans with the tag still on them! Both are right off of Ashburn Road. Hope's is in the shopping center with 7-11, Good Shepherd is in the gated area next to the Fire Station. Both are closed on Sundays.

In Sterling there is another Good Shepherd thrift store near the Borders right off of route 7 near the NOVA Community College campus. It is awesome, too. We found an adorable corner bench there for $40.

I love consignment shops! The Good Shepherd funds a food bank, and I love the idea of reducing, reusing, and recycling stuff. And there's also the rediculous savings! You know, you can even buy bundles of plastic hangers for $1. We got a bamboo salad bowl set for about $10. My mom got me a bread machine for $5. She also got my TV stand for $5.


  • I love thrift stores. We have gotten a ton of stuff for baby (and my son) at them it or a baby with wide garage sale...
    I'm in Amarillo, Texas. So if anyone is actually here let me know and I will let you know...:)
  • We have actually bought tons of our baby stuff at a thrift store, mostly Goodwill. Their baby clothes are a dollar a piece and they are in perfect condition. (No stains or worn out) We also use Craigslist a lot too! We are in Carson City, NV.
  • In crystal river florida they have a place called the kids exchange. It is kinda awesome because you can buy gently used baby clothes and if you child doesn ruin them you can bring them back in and exchange them for store credit. :) I have moved recently and haven't found any good thift stores where I am at :( I love yard sales too. They remind me of riding with my gramps when I was younger to go to yard sales and flewa markets. I miss him (not dead just doesn't talk to this side of the family anymore)
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