
edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
Does anyone worry about their husband not finding them attractive as you start to grow. I have a lot of anxiety about it and my body changing. We are both very excited about the little one! Just wondering if anyone else worries about it?I hear that its a whole new level of attraction as the baby grows. But this is my first/ our first so I guess im just nervous. Anyone else?


  • Mine does too. Tells me I'm beautiful. & how much he loves me. I just worry. I guess trying to adjust to my body is hard enough. I just wonder if he will have any trouble adjusting.
  • Oh he goes to every appointment. Thanks for the reassurance. (= I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one thinks about it.
  • No I don't worry am carrying a beatufil part of me and him .. he tells me everyday he lloves me always hugging and kissing me can't keep his hands of lol love every min ... think more positive ladies ... u blossom more xxx
  • This is true. Maybe I just need to look at it from a different angle... & see things that way. You are right about carrying a beautiful part of me & him. & we couldn't be more excited. Thank you.
  • @Mama2be agh i feel the saaame way but i think its all mental, it better lol.... youll be just fine, my husband wants to z me in a bby doll once my bally gets bigger lol, dorkk!!! We r beutifull just by the simple fact of being women!!!!
  • I can only share my personal views. I find my gf super attractive while prego. I can't jeeo my hands off her (: she us hungry all these changes for us to have a baby. u say ur bd tells u ur beautiful all the time. thats how I am so it seems u dont jace anything to worry about. but u can also try talkin to him. tell him what ur concerns r
  • yea I think its something we all go through but im sure he will love you no matter what.
  • Thank y'all
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