pregnancy and warts

edited February 2011 in Health
I'm 7 months pregnant and I got to warts that just popped up. The doctor froze them off but they are still here. I'm very uncomfortable with telling where they are but the doctor said ppl get them any and everywhere. They just started hurting really bad. Idk what to do can somebody help me plz


  • If they're gential warts they can come back BC of virus HPV I would just suggest you wear loose fitting pants and panties not much u could do otherwise hope this helps
  • Their not that's the thing. I got tested for everything my pap came back normal idk where it came from all iknw is that it just started to hurt yesterday. I just think I should call my doctor first thing tomorrow morning...but thanx
  • Where are the warts and what do they look like? It is just a dormant virus in your system. Pregnancy speeds things up and could just be bringing out the dormant virus
  • I had a wart on my thumb, top of my foit and a bunch more growing between my toes.. in November they all started quickly disappearing. My bf said it was cause of his 'puerto rican stuff'. But I now believe those extra hormones took care of them for me, I tried everything, freezing, liquid, wart bandaids, and a home remedy. Nothing worked but they are all gone and I'm glad! My bf didn't even kniw about the toe ones til after they were gone. Lol
  • Where are the warts and what do they look like? It is just a dormant virus in your system. Pregnancy speeds things up and could just be bringing out the dormant virus
  • Sorry for double post....try vicks vapor rub.
  • They are on the side of NY private. My doctor has froozen them which was very very very painful. But idk what else to do its only 2 but its still the fact that they're there and haven gone away yet:( but my doctor said if in having problems with them Just come into their office but I wanna call and make sure first. Just very very very embarrassing saying why I need to cone in though even though she said that my pap came back negative its still that why did I get them
  • Don't worry sweetie. I just had three pop up on the left labia along my panty line. You are not alone! My dr said all kinds of skin changes happen with pregnancy. He's going to freeze them next time I go in if they are still there.
  • Stress and hormonal changes are a big factor in causing warts.
  • my sister got them as well she had them frozen off then ad to go back for any they missed she was 18 so pretty embarassing for her but at the birth everything looked perfect, not a mark "was at business end"
  • They happen, I had one on my toe as a child and had it frozen off. The doctor told me They didn't really know what caused them (this was the late '80's So they might know now.) When I was pregnant with my son I developed one on my thumb, I got it off with over the counter stuff. I was wart free for years and now pregnant again and I just found one near my arm pit.

    I think @killianpolizzi is right about the hormone thing.
  • Thanx;) I just called my doctor and she is gonna take care of them tomorrow. I hope they go away and leave me alone. I really apprectiate the comments on this topic it really helped:)
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