sooo scared!!! :/

edited April 2011 in Giving birth
so im scared to give birth like deathly scared i never wanted children cuz of giving birth!! what really happens people tell me so much diffrent stuff some of it scar the crap out of me and some make it seem ok! im so happy to be pregnant i want a baby and i do love my baby so much im scared of delivery :-| BUT i cant wait to see my baby!!!! :)


  • omg me too i love bein preggo but those birthing videos are scary .....whooa i hope mine goes smoothly [-O<
  • yeah i hate watching the videos but i wanna watch more so i know what i will go threw
  • good luck lol i got too shook up after natural birth
  • Honestly, when the time comes I think the adrenaline takes over and u kind of forget your fears. You also have to remember you have a totally different point of view when you are actually giving birth, compared to the videos. I had an epidural with my first two and,will with this one, so the pain was very little for me.
  • It will be okay I was terrified of giving birth everything bad went through my mind like omg if I get an epidural will they mess up and ill be paralyzed if I don't get one will I be able to handle the pain but when I did it it wasn't as bad as I thought I just told myself women have been doing this for hundreds of years our bodies are made to do this everybodys story is different but for me it wasn't that bad for me the contractions were alot worse then actually pushing but that's me hang in there girl you'll do just fine just remember that at the end you'll be holding ur little baby and it will all be worth it goodluck
  • I was the same way fith my first one. Its not as bad as those videos make it look! When they told me it was time to push they put a mirror at the end of the bed so I could see what was going on. Seeing my baby like that made me forget everything else and consentrat on getting to see my baby. When it comes to pain I am a sissy! I think the world is ending when I get a papercut. But as soon as you see your baby for the first time you won't even remember the "pain" of delivery! Good luck! You will do great!
  • I had a natural delivery after a 17 hour labour. Had a couple stitches but nothing major. It was a great experience that I will gladly go though again for the birth of number 2. Yes it does hurt and no it's not easy but the moment they hand you the baby you have just worked your butt off to bring into the world makes it so worth it. Just remember that your body is built to do this and if it was that bad humans would have died out centuries ago lol
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