just saying...TODAY MIGHT BE THE DAY :) kinda long
Well 9 this morning I got up thinking I should go potty
before I even got to the bathroom I felt a gush (lol) and I was like crap I really just peed myself AGAIN within 24hrs... (that's another story LOL)
anyway when I went to change and I noticed it didn't smell like pee and it was clear? I didn't think much I changed and went back to bed then I got up at 10 and felt like I was leaking... I felt like I have been leaking since then nowim feeling very uncomfterable kinda like sharp pains on my right side... and back cramps...
Im going in to the birth center to make sure:)
Just letting you guys know(:
no questions really just saying(:
before I even got to the bathroom I felt a gush (lol) and I was like crap I really just peed myself AGAIN within 24hrs... (that's another story LOL)
anyway when I went to change and I noticed it didn't smell like pee and it was clear? I didn't think much I changed and went back to bed then I got up at 10 and felt like I was leaking... I felt like I have been leaking since then nowim feeling very uncomfterable kinda like sharp pains on my right side... and back cramps...
Im going in to the birth center to make sure:)
Just letting you guys know(:
no questions really just saying(:
I do know when my doc last checked I was lil over 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced
that was last Tuesday then on Thursday I lost my mucus and think I had bloody show because mucus had blood in it...
So if anything I will have my boy within a couple days..
and this Thursday I ail be 39 wks..
For the past two days I been walking EVERYWHERE and I cleaned everything Last night I rearranged my bedroom and scrubbed the walls.. and Everything lol even the kitchen floor
@desertrose I hope to get some rest
Idk right now lol
@mommyo3soon2b4 thank you(:
I have been having more pain I think its probably earlier labor and I might get sent home
Last time they need to do alike a pelvic exam but no gel I almost balled my eyes out
more pain :"(
this is all to see if water broke
No check for dilation yet or anything
But my baby boy is trying to make me smile... he is hiccuping and it sounds crazy on the monitor
got sent home
but was told they will see me soon... very soon