can you do mine please? i find out next tuesday and i can not wait!! lol my bday is 7-22-83 my due date is 9-16-11 eastern time zone (i live in east tn)
Thanks riches24! Yay! Super excited we already have a 3yr old I want my lil boy hope it comes out ill definitely let u know if its a boy although it won't be til July maybe haha thanks a bunch:)
There is a test u can buy at Walgreens its a gender prediction test about 30$ i thought i was havin a boy the test yold me girl. Had my ultrasound the following week n its a girl! Dont know if it works fot everyone but it worked for me!
7-22-83 my due date is 9-16-11 eastern time zone (i live in east tn)
conception 1/5/11 pacific time zone i think that was due 10/12