I am also 9 weeks, but I have actually never had heartburn in my life...and I hope I don't get it! My doc gave me a list of medications that are safe for all of the crazy pregnancy symptoms...hopefully one of these will work for you Gaviscon, Maalox, Mylanta, Mylicon-80, Pepcid AC, Riopan, Rolaids, Tagamet, Tums, & Zantac.
Ya'll are lucky. Its sucks. Yeah that might be true my bfs sisiter just had her baby and she said she had a lot of heartburn and her baby had a lot of hair when she was born. @Baileygoose. Thanks for medicine advice. And I was supposed to get one of those but I think my Dr forgot to give it to me.
Im almost 10 weeks and haven't gotten heartburn I've never had it all I've had is really bad morning sickness....I went to the dr for my first ultra sound and the baby was perfect strong heartbeat and moving.