Military Pay....FYI...

edited April 2011 in Military moms
Incase you all weren't notified. Military pay will be NORMAL on the mid-month (15 April 11) deposit. LES's will be updated this week. There will be two deposits on the 15th for most will be for payment from 1-8 April and the other for the rest of the mid-month pay. Others will receive their normal deposit depending on the bank...I believe USAA and BoA will have one deposit. But to ease the mind of those who weren't informed...we will have normal pay from DFAS on 15 April.


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  • Oh thank god!! Ease my mind! Thanks!
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  • I heard we where only getting paid half of what our pay usually is. Its so not fair my husband is in afghan. And this is what we get from our president :/
  • If anyone has any new info id be happy to hear it lol im so stressed out about this
  • You will get your normal mid month pay no worrys
  • @ hubby is ovr there 2....where are u guys stationed?
  • hey @wiseccourt ...where did you read that...I am worried because my husbands LES only says we are getting half the pay...just checked it like an hour ago...
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  • On the mypay site says it where u sigh in myn pointed it out lol i was like ohhh @ashley_smashley
  • ok thanks! This crap is so jacked up! LoL! No only that but I read that what they signed was only an extension until the 15th and that we could be right back where we were last week again...Ugh our country is so jacked up anymore!
  • <-- (this is just my opinion and perspective) ... I'm glad this got cleared up, for this check anyway, i noticed someone mention that this is only cleared until the 15th... that's actually true, its only enforced until the 14th of this month so yes we could very well find ourselves back in this position for the 1st of the month check. But this is my take on things and i wonder if anyone else feels the same....... We are military, and with that being said this lifestyle comes with MANY sacrifices, both from the enlisted members as well as the families. we know that coming into this life, some sacrifices are harder than others but its all apart of the life. As much as this SUCKS that we have to endure a sacrifice (or threat of one anyway) to this degree is ridiculous... HOWEVER, we all have to keep in mind that this decision was made by BOTH our president AND congress! AND... most of the crap that we are witnessing and going through is left over residual mess ups from our former president Bush! Each president has not only the responsibility of taking on his own control but to continue, eliminate, or fix the business affairs that was already started from the former president! ( it has always been this way). So lets keep in mind in our frustration that, we ALL have our sacrifices to make and that our president has to reign over an ENTIRE country. So there will always been someone who isn't satisfied. So lets try to save ourselves further frustration and stress by not pointing blame and pointing out whats wrong, and instead try to come up with resolutions to give and take to ALL situations... and them forward them our congressmen and representatives! Its hard to push blame when you don't first offer a solution! (my papa always use to say this ) .. :) MUCH LUV LADIES.. AND HANG IN THERE!
  • The LES will be correct...not to worry.
  • well they have still been showing half so just dubble it and thats ur pay lol
  • The LES's were already processed. DFAS is generating new LES's so there will actually be another statement to reflect the payment difference.
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