i think its over between me & hubby ; need advice.

Okay me and the hubby been fighting for 2 days now over something soo small - I tickeled him! I know he hates it buh I was being stubborn and kept bugging him. So he slept on the floor woke up and argued the whole day that is when we did talk! He started being an asshole buh left him be cause that's how he is , today we never talked at all not even one word he slept the whole day and got mad when ever my son fell on him or touched him while he was sleeping! And kept saying jesus fucking christ - I never did anything to get treated like this and I don't deserve it I fucked up our first 5 months and I know he can't get over the past buh I've changed fpr the better ; now its like I'm cold inside like I want to cry cause I'm in lovee w/ him buh I'm done I don't feel sorry for what I've done cause there is no reason too it wasn't that bad! I feel like a horrible person buh I can't deal w/ this anymore and I'm not gonna be the first to talk. And I honestly feel he is done w/ this relationship and if we end it I will have nothing I quit my job for him to be a stay at home mom he will give me about 4000$ to start buh I have no where I exgusted my last person and I can't go back home - this is soo bad I have a 2 yr old and I'm 11 weeks pregnant? Sorry so long


  • Does he want you to leave or do you want to end the marriage? My bd acts the same way and I'm just wondering if they are hormonal cos pregnancy? Srry I couldn't help much but I understand you =((
  • I wouldnt say its over just yet. I had gotton in a hugge fight with my husband to where i slept at my mom for a few days. We eventually worked it out by me just going home and keeping space b/n us.. i wish luck for you.
  • We have had fights to where he does want Me to leave buh not this time I am the one thinking of it

  • He may have had a bad day or wrk isnt going good. Maybe hes worried about money. Guys arent ones to oen up so we wont ever kno whats weong but he just needs time to figure out. If u have somewhere to stay for a couple days do it but make it clear yall arent ending it. Unless its what u want..but id try that
  • Its the hormones I swear! My niece has been pregnant for the last 3 yrs n her n her bd dine nothing but fight. I'm talking she chased him around the house w/a knife lol. It was everyday over stupid lil stuff....ur just working overtime w/the hormones. Hang in there.
  • I understand where ur coming from. I'm two days shy of 13 weeks with my second, and I'm a stay at home mom too. So far my bd and i have split up twice. Both times him saying he doesn't want to be with me. And both times were absoutley absurd. The last time i "took too long" at the car wash with my sister and my little girl then was out too late at mcdonalds with my daughter and my sisters two boys. I came home to find out he was at the bar. He came home an hour later told me i was a (n word) cock sucking whore and he didn't want to be with me. Two days later he appologized and were ok now. If it comes down to ypu two breaking up go to your county job center, and apply for emergemcy housing. I know its not what you want, but they only charge your rent, and utilities on what your able to pay. At least til your back on your feet. If u need to talk I'm always on here. Good luck i hope the best for you and your little ones!
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