I so want to breastfeed this one. With my fist it was his fault. The flap under his tongue went to the edge of his tongue so he couldn't latch on to anything. No paci's, no boob. only bottles.
Omg! Mine hurt so bad and are sore. But now my nipples hurt a bit if u touch them. Sorry I know TMI lol plus im not to sure if im preggers but I have a feeling its so.
My last period was march 12/16 and I started with the sore boobs n stuff like a week or two after my period. I took a test just last week and it was a very faint negative. I just seem to think it was early I guess. I mean idk I think tests dont go good with me lol
@wishing4agirl thanks hun. And just I think thursday or friday I had spotted like little drops of like pinkish light red I was like hmmmm wth! Is thisss
@Pinkhopesfor1stbby Could be implantation bleeding, But with this pregnancy i didn't have it. But i have had alot of spotting off and on but the baby is healthy. Is this your first. Where are you from.
@wishing4agirl yes this will be my first im from new york. Ohh ok implantation bleeding ok I read up on that once. I thought it was crazy because its almost looked as little droplets when I had cleaned myself. I had peed and I was like wth is this I looked in the toilet and nothing n,cleaned myself again and nothing.
@richjen24 oh ok. Oh man breathing problem. yeah I hope so too im really like excited but I dont want to get my hopes up either. I also get nauseous like just saturday I went to dave and busters and i went to the bar to get a sprite and ugh just the smell of the beer alone turned my stomach it smelled horrible. And ciggs bother me as well. And my birthday is in like another week im soooo excited im going to be 25. this would be an amazing birthday
Awwww how cutee. Yea thank god! Well sorry but this might be TMI but I just went to the bathroom and there was like discharge that was like a light brownish in color
Or go to the doctors for a blood test.
Well sorry but this might be TMI but I just went to the bathroom and there was like discharge that was like a light brownish in color