Unexpected Ultrasound !

Sooo ..I went to the Clinic today for a routine check-up, &nd the lady at the front desk told me, "You're not doing you're routine check-up today for 8oclock; That has been switched to Thursday ..You're scheduled for your 20weeks' Ultrasound at 10:30." So being that I didn't fully prepare myself, I was a little nervous, yet excited. Welll, the baby's fine ..Heartbeat was 163, weighing 14oz. &nd guess what ..My angel didn't fully cooperate! lOl Legs were crossed, & a little foot was partially covering the goods, but the tech is leaning towards a GIRL, which is what I've been praying for & She will confirm it nextweek. Not gonna get my hopes up too high just yet ..But we shall see! All-n-all; Today is going good for me. :) Hope everyone else is having a Blessed day as well!


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