september mommies have much weight have you gained??



  • 4 lbs all baby
  • Im now 22 weeks & ive officially gained 1 pound from my pre pregnancy weight!
  • Im 21 weeks and ive gained 15 pounds
  • 25w gained 7pnds
  • edited May 2011
    I'm due sept 20 I've only gained 11 pounds but im short so I'm ok on my weight
  • Wow i guess i have gained alot! Im 24 wks and up 33 lbs!! Its ALL boobs and belly!
  • Sept 12 c cection on 5th..........10lb
  • I'm due anywhere between the 18th and 27th this is my second and I've only gained 6 as of yesterday. 5 pounds 2 weeks ago 20 week scan..
  • im due sept 24 & i've gained 5 lbs
  • edited May 2011
  • Due Sept 14th and up 20lbs... :(
  • Due sept 15th and I lost 15lbs. Slowly gaining it back. Still 3lbs less than my starting weight and I eat like a horse. My belly is huge and started showing very on...i thought I was the only one not really gaining weight. =p
  • Due sept. 21st and so far ive gained 17 lbs. ....I'm getting a LOL nervous...I only gained 15 my whole pregnancy with my first baby....that was a I'm prego with a lil girl...maybe that changes things anyone doing prenatal yoga or Pilates? I want to but haven't taken ne yet...
  • Due sep.25th and have gain 12lbs @nharmonygrl I haven't done the prenatal yoga but I'm also very interested in it!
  • I'm 23wks, due the 25th and gained 6lbs as of last Saturday. I'm really happy trying to keep it under 20, but idk with these steak craving I keep having. Lol
  • 25+ wks now as of 3 Wks ago I had gained 3 lbs. So between 3-5 lbs

    I've gained a cup size in boobage and baby Bentley is measuring at about 1½lbs so that explains most of the gain :p
  • Due sept. 25 and I've gained 16 which I'm freakin out because I don't wanna gain too much and then get the talk from my doctor about it :( lol
  • Due 9/10 and I've gained 35 healthy lbs!! Lol yikes!
  • I'm due sept. 12th. 25 weeks preggerz and only gained 3 pounds :) so if I gain a pound a week here on out I'll only be up 18 pounds. I can live with that :)
  • Omg I feel sooooo fat! I hope I loose all of it after my baby is born!
  • Due Sept 22 and gained 15 pounds
  • Sep 13th and about 18. But it seems like its all belly and
  • All mine is basically my butt haha
  • Im due sept 15 and went from 112 to 127 so far...
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