Bite marks on my boy

edited April 2011 in Parenting
So today for the 3rd time in a week my 2 year old came home from daycare. Bd called them and nobody can tell him why this happened or more importantly why nobody told us. This bites are leaving bruises on him. I'm tempted to change daycares but he loves his teacher and is so well adjusted. Any advice, i'd really appreciate it.


  • *Home from daycare with bite marks*
  • Can you have him show you who Is biting him?
  • Where are the bite marks at???
  • edited April 2011
    That's my fear of daycares I don't want to go beat on some lil kids smh... but if he can talk ask him
  • I would take him out. If its the 3rd time n they cant tell u anything. I understand kids bite each other so they may not kno who did it but they should tell u he at least has marks on him u kno
  • @jaime77 they have been on both arms @jbandno3 I might do that but im afraid with him being so young he might get confused and blame the wrong kid
  • @ExcitedNewMom yeah thats the part that really bothers me, the teachers not telling me or not knowing. As bad a the bites are I know he was screaming or crying
  • That is so messed up. I'd take him out or have a face to face talk with whoever runs the daycare. They obviously aren't giving him the attention he needs if he's getting bitten so hard and frequently and none of them has noticed.
  • I would go and speak face to face with the people at daycare and tell them it is the third time it's happened. Explain you will have to move him if it happens again and no explanation is given. These things happen and the people there won't always be able to prevent it, but they should inform you and try to get to the bottom of what's happening. If you do ask your child about it, just make sure you ask open-ended questions, so you don't accidentally put words in his mouth e.g. why do you have these marks? How did it happen?
  • that is scary...speak to day care provider...there must b a cannibal child in the day care....scary...i wonder what ur son taste like??? lmaooo just a lil humor jua kidding
  • Unfortunately this type of thing will probably happen at any daycare. I went through this with my son. Be sure that he tells the teacher when he is hurt and that he's been bitten. It helps to bring this to the teacher/ directors attention. I hope things get better! Good luck.
  • @VictoriaB and @mama_uk i'm gonna meet with the manager tommorow, thanks so much for the advice :)
    @Fashion_Junky91 lol yeah I better stop giving him waffles before school, maybe he still tastes like syrup
  • edited April 2011
    Maybe the kid who bites him should wear a little Hannibal Lecter mask while s/he is in daycare :P
  • my son is looking at me like I'm crazy cuz I was laughing so hars. I can completly picture this tiny little hannibal, lo
  • lol waffles sounds good..blueberry waffles...awww mayne.... imagine that a lil kid rolled on classs wit a hannibal lecter mask like sheesh wtf is your child into ....once again scary....
  • I know lots of kids bite, heck mine bite each other. But I have also had my son bite himself. I am not saying that this is the case in ur situation, but it is always a possibility.
  • That kid would get best costume award on halloween.
    @jbandno3 I considered that but 2 of the marks are on places of his arm that would be hard to bite himself, and my kid has never bit before. Thats about the only habit he doesnt have, lol
  • id take pictures the take your son down to the daycare and show the providers the marks and ask why no one has noticed or said anything to you.
  • I would switch to a smaller daycare where they can actually keep an eye on my child. There is absolutely no reason for them not to know he was bitten. If its leaving bruises it probably hurts enough for him to cry. That should lead them to look into it more. From playing to crying for no reason is a problem. Hope things get better for u.
  • Thanks for all your helo ladies. This is the first discussion i've made abd you girls have been great with your advice and support ;;)
  • I worked in a daycare and although it's unfortunate this is very common. It's hard to keep an eye on every single kid at all times, especially because the child/teacher ratio is usually 8 to 1 depending on the age group. Plus on any given day the teacher has to get ready for circle time, songs, story time, project, lunch, nap time... etc. It's not an excuse but it does happen. You would have an issue with biting at some point in your child's life, even if you switched daycares. Also, even if they did see who bit him they cannot legally tell you which kid did it.
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