so i got a ???

edited January 2011 in Third Trimester
I fell on my stairs today and landed on my back! Should I be worried???


  • edited January 2011
    Here you find an article that gives you some more information about falling when pregnant:

    This is quoted from that article, be sure to read the full story!

    "To truly hurt your baby in a fall, you would have to have been severely injured in the fall yourself. The old wive's tale about falling down to cause a miscarriage is not true.

    That said, if you fall there are precautions to take. Your doctor or midwife should be called, they may want you to come in to check the baby or calm your fears. In general you should watch for bleeding and be sure to pay attention to the baby's movements through fetal kick counts."
  • Always be on the safe side and call your Dr, go see him and they will check you out.
  • Noshit call your dr asap!
    Your baby should be your number one concern!!!!!
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