no embryo
I went for my first ultrasound today and the tech could see the sac but no embryo I have to go back in 2 weeks according to my edd I am 6 weeks the tech as it looks like 4 im confused scared and everything in between because im fascinated with being pregnant I've been reading anything and everything and found blighted ovum now im worried that my baby is not there
I don't mean to be a downer but with my first pregnancy I was told the same thing. I was supposed to be 8wks and I showed only 6wks with no baby inside the sac. It was a blighted ovum and I miscarried at 3 wks later. There are stories of this happening and turns out there was a baby after all and that it was just hidden due to a tilted uterus or too old ultrasound machine or that the mother was just wrong on the dates. But ill say a little prayer for you tonight on a good outcome