oh charlie . . .

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
It's that time for charlie horse! Ugh! It's one of the worse moments in my pregnancy. Just had one this morning @ 5:30 AM! No matter how much water & bananas I eat. :(


  • I hate those I had one last week so bad my toes locked and I couldn't move them I actually had to get out of bed and put weight on my foot to be able to flex it I cried it hurt soo bad and it was sore for 2 days after. I don't know what else to do besides water and bananas
  • Babycenter.com has good info
  • I read somewhere that eating bananas everyday can help with those...not sure if it actually works..I have never had one, but I do eat a banana everyday...hmmm
  • I get these a lot and they hurt so bad. I drink lots of water and I have cut up bananas on my cherrios for breakfast! I massage vigariously and try to move my feet around, but usually walking around gets it to release the quickest for me. I hate it, makes me afraid to move my feet around at night.
  • I wake my husband and have him massage them
  • @camommy - I could not have him touch my calf. It is usually a little bit achey after the moment so I just need to walk it off.
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  • My mommy always tells me to walk on a hard surface like the kitchen floor and that usually does the trick for me.
  • @preggogiggles im so scared to move my feet at night because when I get a charlie horse its sore for atleast a day after! I always cry and scare the sh!t out of my boyfriend because all of a sudden ill cry and jump out of bed to walk on it. I hope I don't get one tonight!
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