I have to have a c section because I had two already so they won't let me do a vbac even though I want one so bad. I'm just scared cus with my first c section I lost a lot of blood and had to have a blood transfusion. I'm not sure if was because I was anemic or because my doctor at that time likes to go through it fast.
The risk has to do with the amount of blood loss. As it is while you are anemic your hemoglobin is low and while pregnant the baby is stealing all the good stuff basically if you don't have enough oxygen then the baby isn't getting enougj and there is a risk of low birth weight and preterm labor. Now while giving birth regardless of how....there's a lot of blood loss which means you may lose too much blood and require a blood transfusion etc.....
Ask your doc about a prescription for iron, I'm anemic and take extra iron per my doc. He said its just a precaution in case of a c/s and I ended up having one last time.
I was anemic my last pregnancy and had a c-section without complications. I think they give you drugs to clot up your blood a bit before the procedure though.
@brooklynsmama I have but they make really sick.@carrielee thanks I'm hoping everything goes okay which I know it will its just always scary when you have to to through surgery