Awh yay my doctor said she would like to induce me @ 39 weeks and my husband is being and ass about it. Everyone I know has been induced with no problems and had very healthy babies... is this your first and boy or girl?
@bkuneki idk is there a complication or breeched baby for them to do that? I signed up to do a clinicl trial and was put in the group the be induced. I don't know if they just induce people.
@second_time_mommy7 oh why do they want to induce you momma? This is my first and I'm having a boy! Yay!
@preggogiggles some doctors do just induce for the heck of it dome won't, with my first they wouldn't but with this one ( different doctors) they talked about an induction date at my 13 week appointment! I'm so happy for you I had a little boy first 2 they are absolutely amazing all babies are I'm sure! I'm having a girl this time and have 18 weeks to go lol!
@second-time-mommy7 I am 39 weeks tomorrow. My doc stripped my membranes today, and scheduled my induction for 7 am on Monday if I haven't gone into labor yet. I am veyr excited to be having her.
@mamamagz my cousin had her membranes stripped yesterday at 4 pm and went into active labor at 11 am today and had her baby this evening around 7! Good luck to all of you ladies I'm so excited for you (and secretly jealous)
@bkuneki Omg I would be demanding someone induce me. That is just crazy. Next time you start getting contractions I'd go to the hospital and they will see your having contractions and your baby is definitely ready they will give you some patocine to speed up the process!
@second_time_mommy7 oh why do they want to induce you momma? This is my first and I'm having a boy! Yay!
Have you had your cervix checked?
@bkuneki I mentioned you in an above comment
If the cervix one yes
Between 3-4 cm dilated and
80% effaced
Wow you sound close. Are you having some good contractions going?
I have a post about it all lol
Wk 36 3 cm 80% and stayed there so far
They just send me home everytime and say soon