baby in the same room as parents....

edited April 2011 in Sleep
My boyfriend and i just had a lengthy discussion about this..... If the baby has their own long should u allow them to sleep in the same room as the parents? My youngest slept in my ex Husbands and my room till about 4 months old...then went to their own room no problem. my bf said he wants this baby in our room at least a year and a half.... Wtf? apparently he wants to never have sex again.... Him and his ex wife only had a one bedroom so his girls were in there till they split up Lol(the girls were 4 &6) get agreed that maybe he feels that way since he knows no other way.... Im hoping he plays by my rules......

What do u all think?


  • My baby has his own room set up but im a first time mom & know im going to be scarey & always want the baby on our room
  • If the baby will go to their own room let them. I'm all for cosleeping as long as I'm nursing or my husband is not in bed but I agree with you I want to have sex sometime and can't do it with my kids in the room!!
  • edited April 2011
    Don't do it we said a year with our son he didn't leave till he was 5 it was so hard doing it in other rooms I just wanted my bed back. :( he's seven now so in the bed it is. ;)
  • @blissmarie23 yeah he shut up when i said...."uh so u never want sex again? Fine baby can hate our room till he's 16!" Im sure he wot like the baby in our room obey those nights when baby won't sleep at all...crying...fussy....and daddy has to work the next day... Lol...
  • @momof2tobe i agree. The older they are the harder it is for them to adjust to their own room.... His kids still share a room with him on his days....(they are 11 &9) they have a bunk bed.... But my gosh... Their mother had a hard ass time getting em to sleep in their room when she bought a house. My kids have been in their room when(shared) for 9 years....they sleep with the bedroom door closed and no lights... Never was a need. His kids still need a night light.... And he's in the same room! i refuse to raise this baby like that.
  • I say just a few months...not a year n a half! I agree I know we'll both want to have sex n that definitely wont happen if the baby sleeps in the room! Happy my hubby agrees tho :)
  • @caiti5 Im sure after a couple months of him not getting it regularly...he will understand my point of view..... He's already string about no sex for 6 weeks after a vaginal delivery. Lol
  • Well if worse case you can have sex while the baby sleeps in a bed in the livingroom or vise versa. I'm a paranoid parent and when my baby sleeps in her own room she will have big sister in there too. A lot of people have their kids in their room till at least one due to sids but I don't blame ya for not wanting to wait that long lol :)

    I would just see how your baby is then decide :)
  • @proudmomma yeah i can see how some parents are paranoid.... For all i know i may wind up being that way.... This is my first baby in almost 12 years.... I just know what worked with my older daughters.... Im kinda stubborn too..... ;)
  • i plan to keep my lil man in the same room till anout 4 or 5 months only cuz im staying with fam so just be easyer to get up to get him and not have to go far lol pluse itll just be me and him sence daddy will be away
  • I have a one bedroom but it's so tiny that I use the bedroom as storage and we sleep in the living room. Baby will sleep in the same room as us in a crib until we move.
  • My 9 month old is still in our room. We are going to move her into her sisters room before my son comes. She still wakes up several times throughout the night, so as soon as that stops shes moving!
  • I plan to keep the baby in our room until he sleeps through the night or at lest most of it, I will feel better having him near me
  • Dunno weather this helps but in the uk there r guidelines for these things and they recommend 6 months in the same room we only have a 1 bed till we can afford to move so for us it might b longer then tht but i know ppl who have done it after a few months no probs but i agree a yrn a half is loong!!
  • I have no choice I can't afford a 4 bedroom yet and there's no way my 11,12,or 13 yr old will share a room with a newborn. I was thinking a pack n play would be good. That way we can move the baby around when we need some alone time.
  • My son slept in a bouncy in my room for maybe two months, we don't cosleep I think its dangerous and even if I didnt my husband has almost smothered me there is no way an infant would have survived. As soon as he/she sleeps thorough the night he/she is sleeping with in my toddlers room.
  • Both of my kids stayed with me until a year my daughter was 2. (Dad was gone a lot over seas temp duty stations). Right now we live in a loft so all 4 of us are in 1 bigh open room. Once we get into our own place baby will be in our room until she sleeps through the night maybe up to a year then she'll share with her big sister who is 9 my son is almost 11 he'll get his own room. I'm hoping we gan get a 4bed so no one has to share.
  • My son slept in my room till he was 3 1/2, he refused to sleep in his own room opting to sleep on the floor of mine in a sleeping bag (I was told that would help him change his mind) the only thing that got him sleeping in his own room was when I had to start working the late shift and my mom wouldn't let him sleep in the living room. He would still occasionally come into my room when I got home but it stopped a little after he turned 4.

    With my daughter once she is able to calm herself back to sleep and is sleeping atleast most of the night hopefully by 4 months she will be moved to her own room.
  • 4 months is plenty....
  • Baby will sleep right inbetween my hubby n until 1 or 2. Im scared if something happen :(
  • I kept my daughter in my room until 8 months, pretty much until we got down to one feeding at night. She slept in her own bed in there, though, so the transition to her own room was easier.
  • Good for u girl I will not let that happen to me again plus we have our son who will just get jealous so I say fir us its 3-4 months too. ;)
  • I lives in a trailer atm and the other bedroom is on the opposites side so my daughter will be in our room for awhile six months in a bassinet then in her crib
  • I am nursing this one so he will be in our room but in his own crib. Maybe around 6 months we'll move him in his own room.
  • Had a 1 bedroom til my daughter was 1. Me and my husband had a bad habit of falling asleep on the couch but I helped our daughter adjust to being in a room alone. She had no problem moving to her room at 1 yr. She will only be 14mo when this one will be here. I don't want the new one waking her up at night bc it would take a long time to get her back to sleep. Not sure when we will move the other over but it prolly wont be til our first is closer to 2
  • @MrsThompson34 i am not trying to attack you or anything but please read stuff about baby's sleeping between parents. It can be very dangerous and can cause SIDS.
  • We had our first in our room, in her pack and play until she was 10 months and she went to her own room perfectly! :) she is now 15 months and still sleeping in there, sleeping all night long since she was 5 weeks old. I was very paranoid so I liked to get up and watch her breathe a few times a night. Im now 32 weeks pregnant with our second girl and she will probably be in our room for the same amount of time. I never co-bedded though. :D
  • Neither one of my kids would sleep in a bassinet so they went straight to their rooms in their cribs. The nursery is right next to our room plus we used monitors. We just didn't have room in our room for a crib. I hope this one will sleep in a bassinet!
  • We had our son in our room till he was about 6 months because we didn't have another bedroom. Our daughter will be in our room till about then when we can move some place bigger. We don't co-sleep, we use the bassinet part of the pack-n-play
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