Mother being RH Negative make me possibly RH Negative?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I just found out that my mother is RH Negative and had to get a couple shots of rhogram at the end of her 1st pregnancy. I never knew this and now im wondering if I am too maybe? Yikes! I got my blood taken two weeks ago the 1st time and then just got my blood taken again today. If I was RH Negative would I have already found out by now? I hope so!! :/


  • @crazybeautifulx0 Rh- is nothing to be worried about :) is ur bloodtype + or -? The babies daddy + or -?
  • I know my Ob/gyn typed my blood @ the first appt (when they took like 6 vials of blood). Blood typing has to do with genetics so your blood type is based on your mom & your dad.

    A LOT of ppl are Rh-. It REALLY is nothing 2 b freaked about.
  • edited April 2011
    My Moms rh negative, she passed it to me, luckily I didnt passed it to my girls, so hopefully my son won't have it!
  • Just ask your dr to check your blood type (if he hasn't already) its a 50/50 chance if your mom was neg & ur dad was pos. you could be either... but if you were neg, ur doc should've told you about it... but all you have to do is ask & he will take necessary actions if you are :) don't worry
  • I am RH-, and my partner is positive, it's no biggie. It just means I have to get the rhogam shot at 28 weeks and after birth, I had to get it done after my MC 5 years ago it's quick and painless. I actualy have to go in to my midwife in an hour and get the shot because I tripped and fell really hard last night and I'm very bruised. so also if u fell at any time badly where the placenta could leak blood and mix with yours, you would have to get the shot too
  • my moms O- & my dads A/B+ she had to get a shot with me & my sisters cause b4 she realized it she had miscarriages. The docs nowadays are able to find out quickly so you should be fine. I'm still not positive of my blood type but I've never had any problems with my 2 sons & almost 10 weeks pg now! Good luck ladies!
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