
edited January 2011 in First Trimester
OMG! Its 1am and I have a major craving for cheddar sunchips and caramel flavored coffee!


  • I had nutty bars twice today. I had to stop hope that means I am pregnant.......
  • Doritos and crab meat
  • Mmmmmm... that sounds good!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I hate hard tacos but I've been craving them like crazy this week. Also I normally hate lemons but I can't get enough of lemons or limes with splenda haha
  • Cherry icees call my name!! Lol
  • Mini pretzels covered in cheese, salsa, and sour cream. Also, I hate green olives but I eat them like crazy now. And all I want is mexican food
  • The other day at Applebees I ate all the lemons from my drink and. Everyone at my table and asked for more lemons and just ate them plain :)@Nykolle
  • @annamazing; my husband thinks I'm crazy when I do it.he just laughs at me.and I can't get enough of sour patch kids ha ha
  • The sour patch kids and thr mexican food, kids want burgers tonight...i want taco salad....again :)
  • @Nykolle that's funny . Those sound yummy
  • I've been craving banana bread and raw pumpkin.
  • So strange but shrimp like crazy and I'm not that big of a sea food fan. With my son it was dipping cost co pizza in their berry yogurt ice cream LOL awful I know. :)
  • What's the earliest you ladies had craving the other day I looked at my husband and told him I wanted tuna and peanut butter. We aren't sure is preg. Or not but would be about 4 weeks goin to get a blood test next week.
  • I will be 15 weeks on Saturday. And I have never had a craving. The way I knew I was pregnant was because I absolutely looovvvve ramen noodles and I started to hate the sight of it or smell...
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