
edited April 2011 in January 2012
welcome to Jan. babies! I really really want this month to work! goodluck ladies!


  • Me 2!! Good luck!!
  • Praying for baby 3 and this is our third month trying.
  • I'm hoping to also have a baby in Jan.. good luck ladies
  • This is our 3rd month trying too. I'm hoping the 3rd time's a charm! AF is here now...can't wait for it to end so we can start trying again! :)
  • My 3rd month trying also!! Ovulated yesterday! ! 2ww feels like forever!
  • lol this is my third month too! thats awesome! I should ovulate this sat or sun.! i have a 2 1/2yr. old girl wanting #2!
    third time WILL be the charm! everyone keep us all updated! whens the big O for everyone? I cant wait to start testing in a couple weeks, im an obsessive tester lol.good luck!
  • goodluck to you too @praying4our3rd
  • This is also my third month trying. I hope it works! Good luck ladies :)
  • I am on CD 8. I usually o Round CD 14 to 18. Where is everyone else at in their cycle. I pray this is all our month! I am a bit older. I am 39 and feel the clock ticking!
  • I am an obsessive tester too! I have 13 tests in my.cupboard just waiting.
  • I think I will be moving to the Jan club. I just got a pos on my opk yesterday. So I am ovulating later than all the calendars said I would. So I think that moves ne here. I good I conceive for a Jan baby. We have been trying for 2 years and 3 months I think it is now. I'm 21. Wish everyone the best of luck.
  • I will O in the first week of may.. patiently waition on af to get here so we can start trying :)
  • @tryforbaby2. I have a 2 1/2 year old son!! My big o was 3 days ago
  • I'm 25. No kids yet. My big O will be the 28th
  • @ tryingforbaby3 lol im not that bad I think I might have 4...
    @casella good luck thats a long time, hope this month is yours!
    @lyricsmommy...ohh 2ww... the worst part lol ill be with ya about monday.

    good luck everyone! im so excited this time its almost like I cant fail this time, I cant be doing anything more right this time ....if it doesnt work I dont know what else to do.
  • Im on 1ww now. Tooo long
  • 9 DPO today and it feels like forever until I o. The worst part though is the 2 ww. Dreading that.
  • I have eggwhite yesterday and today yay! onto my 2ww! hope it goes quick! goodluck @natalie_uk
    @tryingforbaby3 its coming soon! then u can get you baby dancin on! haha GL
  • My AF is supposed to start on this coming Wednesday. Took a test today, negative. I want to cry lately. My husband was so looking forward to a baby finally. Ugh. Doesn't seem to wanna happen tho
  • edited April 2011
    Waiting till the 26th to test. Keeping fingers crossed.
  • well havent been on in a while. im now about 5dpo, im already giving up hope, im not to sure y. I have till the 29 till af comes. I just dont want to see that neg. again.... bummed
  • Im day 2 late on AF. Been trying for over a year. Took test yesterday it was neg. Suggestions?
  • edited April 2011
    hmm... it could still be early or your ovulation day was off..... not to sure give it a couple more days see if af shows or u can get blood test so u can stop worrying @tryinghard19
  • I'm hoping for a bfp on may 1st! Been trying over 2 years and 4th round of clomid. Hoping this is the month for all of us! Good luck to everyone!
  • @tryinghard19 well keep us updated im thinking good thoughts for you!
  • I'm from the Sept 2011 board Just wanted to say good luck ladies!!!!! Sending some baby dust your way :)
  • @pnkstrzgrl aw thanks! were hoping this month!
  • @tryingforbaby3 have you tested yet? af?
  • Thank you to everyone and I will let you know @tryforbaby2 good luck on ur adventures this month too
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