So Im dilated 1cm....

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
So I went into labor at 34 weeks yesterday. I went to the hospital and they said I was severly dehydrated. I went to the park earlier that day and drank plenty of water. They checked me bc I was having alot of pressure and my contractions were on point. I was dilated 1 cm. What does that mean? Has anyone been dilated 1cm since 34 weeks... I am just wondering how long I will last!?!!!?


  • I remember that I was dilated 1 cm the last two weeks of my first pregnancy and I still had to be induced. But I didn't have any labor.
  • Really? Well I home she comes at least two weeks early! How effaced were you?
  • You can be that way for a few weeks
  • Yeah I know. I hope only like 3 more! 8->
  • I was dilated to 1cm from 35 weeks until I was induced at 41 weeks with my now 15 month old, so you never know hun :)
  • I'm sure you will last to about 3 weeks.
  • @mommyoftwoprincesses Yeah... 41 weeks I will slap my Dr. I'm having horrible braxton Hicks. They just get worse!
    @proudmomma I pray only 3!
  • You can get regular contractions from being dehydrated. It seems like it doesn't matter how much we drink they always tell us we are dehydrated. Lol. You never know for sure how long you last I was dialated with 1cm for about the last 6 weeks of my first pregnancy.
  • Yea I'm now 37 weeks and 1cm. I have to wait 2 weeks till my induction
  • I am 32 weeks pregnant and already dilated 1 cm. I walk a lot and my Dr asked me to be on light duty. Good question wondering myself?
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  • Same thing happened to me yesterday I'm 36 weeks had awful contractions been sick.all day went in not dilated at all :( but.they.said I was having contractions for sure!! Was dehydrated filled me full of fluids and they stopped
  • I was 3 cm for 7-8 weeks w my 2 previous pregnancies. It doesn't necessarily mean you'll have the baby sooner. The bottom of your cervix can efface and dilate without opening at the top.( the part inside closest to the baby.) Along with dilation and effacement there are stations. -3 being high, 0 being at your cervix and -3 is crowning. If your a -1 or 0 you may go into labor sooner but its not always the case. I'm 28 weeks this time w my 3rd pregnancy of twins and I'm already 2-3 cm, 50% effaced and -2. If you're very concerned or your Dr is, ask for an internal ultrasound to measure your cervix.

    Hope that helps. Good luck.
  • I am 19 weeks and dilated a half cm... it is definitely scary.. its hard being on bedrest with a 2 year old.
  • I was just in hospital a couple weeks ago at 32 weeks and I am fingertip, 50 % effaced, and she was at -3. I'm hoping to have her in April! Due May 15th.

    @katie8610 I know how you feel I have been on strict bedrest for about 2 weeks now, and I have a 2 and 1 yr old. I will be so happy when Sunday gets more bedrest! YEAH!!!

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