@amipregnant i am due Oct 6th YaY lol getting closer everyday. @BeauTiifuLLmOmA2bee i'm 15wks bday 9/21/92 cday 1/13/11. But i have basically came to a conculsion that most of the chinese gender predictors predicr GIRLS which is funny when they mostly want boy babies...idk though.
@gabbyc that's the one i used before i started this discussion and i put in so many diff things for diff ppl amd it kept giving girl and some of the ladies did that one on here and also got it wrong.
@BeauTiifuLLmOmA2bee i know but i get diff ones boy girl blah blah lol so i'm just going to wait but i can't wait to find out what exactly it REALLY is but i have a feeling!
@BeauTiifuLLmOmA2bee i'm 15wks bday 9/21/92 cday 1/13/11.
But i have basically came to a conculsion that most of the chinese gender predictors predicr GIRLS which is funny when they mostly want boy babies...idk though.