21 weeks today!

So I'm exactly 21 weeks today & just wondering how much you ladies feel or felt movement then? I mean I have felt some movement but not what I was expecting. Mainly it just feels like little kicks to my bladder, real low still. Is that normal? When does the real kicks come???


  • Wow. Pregly is getting slow.
  • Congratulations I just turned 21 on Tuesday. I'm guessing your due date is August 25th? Lol mines is August 23rd.
  • My kick are still pretty low and I can only feel them if I'm lying on my back or sitting still. But I have started to feel him moving around lately. It feels like a worm sliding around but with pressure.
  • Awesome 2 days apart! Congrats to you too.(: is this your first? Do you know what you're having??
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